Chapter 5

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Cody's POV

Lauren was such a sweety, she kept telling me I was doing great even though I know I was failing. For the last half an hour we went on a long trek around the fields. It was such beautiful day, I was with such a beautiful girl. Suddenly my phone rang, I totally forgot to put it on silent! Rihanna and Calvin Harris blared from the pocket of my sweat pants. Eagle reared slightly off the ground, in rage of the unexpected noise. Lauren turned to me and scowled, before standing directly in front of Eagle, stroking his face and talking to him quietly, reassuring him. I grasped my phone out my pocket and hit the ignore button as soon as I could. Felt so bad. I looked up and Lauren's mum was next to her "is he good?"

"yeah he'll be ok, just a bit spooked that's all" Lauren answered. Her mum then turned to me "is it off now?" "yeah, erm, sorry" I replied.

Damn, I perfect example of how my life likes to ruin my life. I never get a day off, let alone one and a half hours of piece here.

"Don't worry about it, it's all ok" Lauren smiled trying to make me feel less guilty "she spooks relatively easily. It's because she was a rescue horse. She used to spook all the time, but I helped her and now it's just stuff she's really not expecting

Lauren's POV

It wasn't really his fault he had no idea Eagle was sensitive. He was really sorry

and I was totally willing to forgive him!

When the lesson was over Cody jumped off and said "hey, erm, can we have a chat?" he seemed nervous, it was really cute, but I really wanted to pop Eagle over some jumps while he was all warmed up "Erm can it wait like 5 mins, I really want to jump some fences?" I asked really hopeful, "you can help if you want? Or we could chat at the same time?" I suggested.

"okay, what do I need to do?" everyone else left the arena with their ponies, and I explained to Cody how to put up the poles. the first ones he tried were a little wonky, but he soon got the hang of it. I used the block to get on and adjusted my styrups while Cody popped the first one up. I only jumped to about 3ft but Cody seemed genuinely impressed.

We walked back and put Eagle back in her stable. I turned around from putting her rug on. I turned to face Cody on the other side of the door, he was leaning against it casually. "Erm can I borrow your phone" I asked cheekily. He was confused for a second then handed it over, unlocked. I gave him a grin and tapped my number into his iPhone and passed it back still on the new contact screen. I was contemplating on whether to say "ring me" but no, it would sound way to cheesy, so decided against it. That would be a stupid thing to say, and extremely cringe worthy!

"So do you live arround here?" I inquired.

"Erm, no, actually I live in Los Angeles!"

WHAT! Seriously, one of the nicest guys in the world, that I think might like me, and he lives half way across the country! why?!

"What really? Seriously? Why are you all the way over here?" I asked in one continuous, confused breath.

"Erm, yeah I live in Cali, I'm here on a holiday thing, with all my family. And yeah... We go back soon though, which I really don't want to do now."

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