~chapter 1 ~

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Delilah's POV

I'm Delilah Kingsley and in just a normal 16 year old with a few thousand instagram followers but that doesn't really matter.

I have 3 best friends: Avery Adams, Madeline Brown and Adeline Brown.

I have 2 sisters Meagan and Hailey, they are both infuriating but they are ok, I guess.

But that's not what this story is about. This story is about how I met Mr Nobody.

Ever since I turned 13 I would write notes to my soul mate or as I liked to call them Mr Nobody.

I would write to him every day sometimes once or twice, I only wrote it for fun or when I was sad but then I couldn't stop. There is 23 in total.

I wrote it because I thought no one except my friends would ever know about it and my soul mate would never gotten the letters but little did I know I had a fairy godmother........ other wise known as Avery Adams my best friend.

I say soul mate because I believe that Mr Nobody is one person who can love me more than boyfriend or girlfriend can so I say we are soul mates.

I'm pretty sure you are wondering what I'm doing right now. Well I'm at lunch with my friends.

No one's POV

"Delilah?.... Delilah! Anyone home? For fucks sake get your head out of the clouds." said Madeline Brown irritated as she tried to bring her friend out of her daydream.

"oh leave her. She's probably dreaming about her prince charming." Adeline Brown said rolling her eyes

"You know what I've had enough!" Avery Adams exclaimed rolling up a magazine and hitting Delilah on the head with it.

"Oww" replied Delilah coming out of her daydream just to be over dramatic

"now that the princess is done daydreaming let's go to target." Madeline said grabbing their arms and pulling them out of the restaurant..

So the first chapter is done and I hope you like it its my second real book like not imagines so yeah
Also shout out to KookieBear77

Quote of the day:" can only virgins see this stuff is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" - Richie Tozier from the movie 'IT'

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