Eunhye, Bambi and Peppa

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Eunye and Bambi are homie lovers. they have known each other for a year now, along with other friends in the community. Although Bambi never thought that Eunhye was going to be the closest to her, it happened. So they basically have been talking online non- stop, nearly always ending in late night calls. However, lately, Eunhye has been a bit distant. Bambi didn't know why, and she was dead set on finding out.

During a call

Bambi: Eunhye I need to talk to you

Eunhye: Yeah

Bambi: What have you been up to lately? You haven't been responding as often, and I feel as though you don't care about me anymore...

Eunhye: You know busy with stuff...

Bambi: You say that... But you were literally online and not answering back...

Eunhye: What are you getting at?

Bambi: I wish you would be honest to me... Sighs, tbh bruh

Eunhye: I am, and I promise to answer more frequently.

Bambi: Okay.

Although Eunhye promised to be more engaging, Bambi still felt as though something wasn't right. She has been finding certain shades of pink in Eunhye's instagram pictures.She knows that Eunhye isn't the type to post with pink all the time, that 's just not her aesthetic. What might it be? This was low key giving her anxiety.

Text massage

Bambi: Hey 🤩

20mins later

Eunhye: What's up

Bambi: What is up with all the pink in your recent posts? You don't even like pink

Eunhye: Uh, you know just for meme purposes

Peppa comes out of no where and sees that Eunhye had just compared to memes, making her not happy. Peppa snatches her phone and begins to type.

Text message

Eunhye(Peppa): Pink is the superior colour, and everyone loves it. I was just pretending to dislike it, in fact I also love pigs. they are super cute :)

Bambi: That's not what you just said, are you okay? Like genuinely...

Eunhye(Peppa): Never better, If you could stop pestering my homie that would be better thnx - love Peppa, the lovely pink pig

Bambi left the message on read. She was beyond shock. How could Eunhye do this to her? She cheated on her with Peppa, the children's favourite pink pig. Bambi felt like travelling to her home this instant to confront her, but knowing that they don't live in the same state stopped her. She just stared at that message and stared some more. Her head replaying their homiesexual party, realizing that it was all a lie. Eunhye was never truly her own homie.

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