Chapter 27 • Answer Me

Start from the beginning

Arjun's mind was now suspicious, he heard a yell again.

"Did you hear a yell?" Arjun asked.

"No, no, yell. Why you behaving like that prince!" Sarika snapped.

"Oh why are you behaving like that Sarika? I too heard a's of..."

"Krishnaa." Arjun's face turned pale as he ran in the direction of his and Draupadi's room without any second thought.


Karna smirked and pulled Draupadi to him, she yelled, a single tear escaped her eyes as he again pulled her hair and then pushed on the floor. She was feeling unconscious.
"No, no, Draupadi, you can't die too soon, you can't close your eyes. More torture,more pain."


Arjun reached the door of the chamber he was that the soldiers were lying flat, they were unconscious due to something. All the gaurds were unconscious.


Karna held Draupadi by her throat and he almost had choked her when the door opened.

Arjun entered, his eyes fell on Karna, he left Draupadi as he was Arjun. Before Draupadi could fall on the floor, Arjun ran and rested her in his arms. Seeing Draupadi in almost dead condition, Arjun's heart screamed, he couldn't comprehend anything.

She was breathing, he noted. His bloodshot red eyes  with anger fell on Karna, he wasn't going to spare that rascal this time.

Karna thought it's better to run but the soldiers came with, behind them was Subrhika with Nakul and Sehdev.
They know Arjun will want Karna to give him his punishment to they captivated Karna and walked to Arjun, who was in tears because of Draupadi's condition.

"Bhrata." Nakul said, "We need to hurry, we need to do the medications or else we'll l--" Nakul stopped as Arjun gazed at him in anger and then they took Draupadi for medications.


Arjun sat with with tears in his eyes, all he could think of was Draupadi and his child but he couldn't do anything.

"What is happening?" He asked Nakul and Sehdev.

"Bhrata, it's very critical to explain right now, her's complicated, she is brutally wounded but we are trying, nothing will happen to her. I am going to get some medical plant as soon as possible." Sehdev left Arjun is more grief.

Madri was consoling him again and again but it wasn't helping. He wanted to kill Karna and he decided that he going to do that, he stood up abruptly and stormed to the prison Karna was kept.

"Oh I was waiting for you!" Karna smirked as Arjun entered.

"I am you are here to ki--" Arjun punched him in his face, he hit the wall, Arjun punched him again and Again, hitting his head on the wall.

"That was my wife!" Arjun yelled with every blow he gave to Karna.

"She is my Krishnaa!" Arjun yelled and hit him on wall, Karna was now covered in blood.

"You thought I hear to kill you?" Arjun said as Karna was on the floor, limped.

"No, not really first of all tell me who helped you!" Arjun snarled.

" you..." Karna said between painful wails.


Karna whimpered in answer, Arjun kicked Karna again and walked out. Arjun was in flames, he wasn't going to spare anyone.


"Why did you do that!" Arjun snarled at Sarika, "Why the hell did you do that!!!"

Sarika was startled and was in tears.

"I asked something!! Why the hell did you help Karna! Why!" Arjun was raging and he demanded answer, he couldn't even hit her so he took the vase and threw in on the floor in anger, everyone was watching how angry he was.

Kunti walked to him, scared of him doing something which would make the situation go worse, killing Sarika or something.

"Arjun, calm down," Kunti rubbed him back, consoling him but he raged at Sarika, "How dare you! Why did you do that? I demand answer! ANSWER ME!"

Sarika sobbed.

"Shut your wails and don't show me your crocodile tears!" Arjun spat in anger. Sarika sobbed louder.

"I said shut up, your tears are neither worth to me nor I will be melted because of them! All that matters to be is my wife and child and because of you they are fight death right now! If something happened to Draupadi and my child, I will kill you along with Karna and Uruvi!" Arjun stormed in anger and walked away.





fast fast for next update. Give me 55 votes with 50 comments, I will update.♥️♥️♥️Inna toh banta na hai na mere😇😇 please

Love you all 3000

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