━ Chapter Three

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IT TOOK SILAS AND PETER TO HOLD CECILIA BACK WHEN HER EYES LANDED ON THE ROMANIANS. Silas understood his little sister's anger, but he knew now was not the time to attack the duo.

"Vladimir. Stefan. You're a long way from home." Carlisle called out, ignoring the question Kate had asked with a slight distaste in her tone. Silas narrowed his eyes at the two, leaving Peter to watch Cecilia as he came to stand beside his old friend.

"We heard the Volturi were moving against you, but that you would not stand alone." Vladimir responds, smirking very slightly as he caught Silas's gaze. The elder vampire had to keep a snarl from leaving his lips as he glared heavily at the white-haired male.

"Hello, Silas." Stefan smirked and this time he did let a hiss leave his lips.

"Hello to you too, you arrogant son of a bitch." Silas growled eyes flashing obsidian.

"We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle reasoned, ignoring the banter beside him.

Vladimir merely rolled his eyes with a smack of his lips. "We do not care what you did, Carlisle."

"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged." Stefan smirked, lips pulled into a carnal grin as he met the eyes of Cecilia who fought the urge to tear his head off his shoulders.

"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle reasoned, causing Silas to roll his eyes. He knew full and well the Volturi would not listen to them, especially with the Romanians there - it would only fuel the Volturi more.

"Shame, " Vladimir sighed mockingly, giving a roll of his eyes when he caught Silas's glare. "Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed."

"They enjoy a good fight." Stefan added with a solemn nod, straightening as Vladimir landed beside him.

"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar questioned, eyebrows furrowed in concern as he stepped forward to stand beside Carlisle and Silas.

"Aw, " Vladimir pouted mockingly. "Still hoping they'll listen?"


SILAS AND HIS COVEN STOOD BESIDE EMMETT AND ROSALIE. They kept silent, although Tiana was bouncing in place causing Silas to roll his eyes. The girl could never keep still for too long. Though he kept his face neutral as all the witnesses had gathered listening as Eleazer explained what Vladimir had said earlier.

"When Aro wants someone from a coven, it’s never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." The Denali spoke, arms folded over chest.

"So he’s done this before?" Bella asked from her place on the wall, body tense as a spring as she met Edward's gaze already knowing the answer.

"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern." Eleazar frowned.

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repenting." Carlisle spoke from his spot beside Esme - arm wrapped around her, trying to comfort her.

"This person always has an ability, and always given a place with the guard." Eleazar added, rubbing his chin in thought.

Silas frowned, eyes flicking from Eleazer to Carlisle. His eyes flashed as he finally pieced together, a snarl leaving his lips - catching everyone's attention.

"This isn't about Law or Justice, " He growled meeting the former Volturi members gaze eyes blazing with a fury that was not aimed towards them. "This is about power."

"Silas is right, this is all about Alice, he has no one like her." Edward agreed. "Nor does he have anyone like Silas or his coven." The mind reader added, looking towards Carlisle who eyes widen in realization.

"Which is why she left!" Bella exclaimed.

"But why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked, arm wrapped around Rosalie who was frowning in worry for her family and Renesmee.

"To spread the word that justice has been served after he slaughters an entire coven." Alister spoke up, making Cecelia growl quietly stopping when her brother sent her a look.

Amun stood up telling his youngest coven members it was time to go, and honestly, Silas didn't blame him.

"And where will you go? What makes you think they’ll be satisfied with Alice? What’s to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina, or Kate, or Silas, or anyone else with a gift, anyone they want?!" Edward exclaimed rising from his seat, startling everyone in the room, but earning smirks from Silas, his coven, and the Romanians.

"As Silas said their goal isn’t punishment, it’s about power, it’s acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family, but also for yours, and for the way you want to live." Edward pleaded and everyone was silent, Silas narrowed his eyes and looked around, smiling slightly when Jakob stood up.

"The packs will fight, we’ve never been afraid of vampires." The shifter shrugged.

The Denali's stood next, Tanya also agreeing and soon one after another all the witness agreed until Silas stood up causing silence to take over the room. His eyes burned obsidian as Peter kept a calm grin on his face while the two female smirked.

"It's time Aro was put in his place, and it has been far too long since anyone has volunteered too." Silas started before Cecilia stepped forward. "We're in."

"That didn’t take much." Vladimir whispered earning a silent chuckle from Silas.

Edward smiled weakly at the Combre's nodding in thanks.  "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"We'll see." Alister said before disappearing into the shadows.

And he was right, they would have to see indeed.

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀, jane volturi ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें