Chapter 3:Im not in ireland any more

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*brady's pov*
So here I was at Louis house with Zayn and Louis with getting ready to go to the mall to eat
*a short car ride later*
"Wow you ripped a big one Zayn"-said Louis
"Ahh it smells!"-said Brady and Louis as they fled from the car
"Hey it's not that bad"-said Zayn as he laughed
"Let's go"-said Louis
"Ok"-said Brady and Zayn
*ayla's pov*
Niall and I are on our way to the mall "I've been trying to text Brady all night"-I said
"I know me too"-said Niall
*a short car ride later*
Niall and I got to the mall and headed for nandos then to look for Brady
*harry's pov*
I walked to the door of Liam's house and knocked "who is it"-said Liam
"It's me Harry"-said harry
"Come in"-Liam
"Are you upstairs?"-Harry
"Yea come on up I've been vomiting my guts out"-Liam
"We need to get you to a doctor"-Harry
"Ok help me up"-Liam

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