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*Duncan's pov*
   I lay awake on my bed, my eyes felt heavy because I barely got any sleep. Even before my alarm went off, I was already off my bed and on my way towards my bathroom. My neck felt stiff, rubbing it I went into the stall for a quick shower.

   Less than ten minutes later I came out with a towel around my waistline. I dried my body and hair, simultaneously looking through my closet. I quickly scanned through the clothes and shoes, trying to pick.

   I pulled out a denim jacket out of my collection of denim,also a plain white shirt, a pair of dark black trousers and some white sneakers. After getting dressed I styled my hair. The heaviness I felt on my eyes were gone and I was fully awake but I still needed my coffee.

   A few minutes later, I was rushing to my kitchen, heading straight for the coffee machine.

"Good morning, Duncan." Mrs Dawson called from a corner of the kitchen, I almost didn't see her.

"Morning Aunt Allie. How are you feeling?"

"Very good. Do you want some breakfast?"

"I would love some." I brush my fingers against the stiffness of my neck. "But I'll make it myself, thanks."

   She patted my shoulder before leaving me to carry on. I pulled out my granola from my fridge. I decided to make a sweet and salty maple granola bark. It was easy to prepare if you already had all the things you needed around.

   The granola settled in the bowl and I added milk to it. I also added some fresh blueberries and raspberries. I found an apple and added a few slices to the bowl. The granola was done and I couldn't wait to taste it. The maple sweetness was really what went well with the berries and pretty soon I was done eating.

   I took my keys and decided to go with my Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita. I had two, one in green and the other in white. I went with the white, stepping into the driver's seat. I had a few errands to run and I wanted to get it done as fast as I could.

             *                  *                 *
   I pulled my car into a parking space. I could still feel the stiffness around my neck as I rubbed the spot. My eyes caught the time on my phone, it showed it was past one pm. I fondled with the seat belt until it unlocked. I opened the door and rose from the seat, at first the bright sunlight stole my gaze.

    I shield the bright light with my hand and Adrien's mansion came into view. His mansion was about the same size as mine but it was painted in white with hints of different colours.

   I rang the doorbell and the bell echoed through the entire house. The faint sounds of footsteps were getting closer until I could see Adrien's shadow under the door. He opened the door, with a relaxed expression. His hair was soaking wet and his shirt was damp. His skin was Fresh from just taking a bath.

"Are you just waking up?" I asked, sounding bored.

"We get up early every morning Duncan. Unlike you I like to sleep in on weekends." He replied coolly. Once inside I headed straight for his kitchen and sat on one of his stools. Adrien, just like me, was also knew his way around the kitchen. Although he didn't do much cooking or enjoyed it as much as I did.

"Hey." he opened up his fridge "do you want a drink?"

"I'm good, thanks." I waved him off. I was still baffled at the thought that he just woke up. "Have you even had breakfast yet?"

"I'm going to." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey, how's work?" Adrien pulled out some toast, bacon and eggs. He was going for a simple breakfast. "You know, the new assistant?"

"Strangely, she's okay. She does...almost everything she's told and she's attentive and fast." I listed, watching Adrien crack and egg. "She's also a bit hotheaded and sometimes stubborn."

   He grinned at me "I'm surprised she's not already gone. The only person who can ever measure up to your fantasy of a perfect assistant is you." He placed some bacon in the frying pan.

"Well, she hasn't given me a good reason to fire her." I vividly remembered the sight of her and Nathan saintgnue and I suddenly got irritated. "Except when she was obviously flirting with Nathan Saintgnue"

"Really?"  He turned the bacon around.

"Yeah. They even flirted after I told her not to speak to anyone."

"Maybe they were just talking. You could have misread. And also, I don't know why you're so pissed."

"Saintgnue had his eyes all over her, glancing at her, gesturing towards her, please." I shivered, growing irritated. Adrien pulled out his bacon and placed it next to his eggs on his plate.

"Sounds like you're mad at her more than him." He muttered, starting to stuff his face.

"What do you mean?" I blinked at him a couple of times. He sighed in a frustrated tone and shook his head.

"He was coming on to her, not the other way around so if you wanted to be mad at someone for the inappropriate act then it should be him not her."Adrien said. He was right. I glared at him as he ate happily.

"So stop being so rude to her. You said it yourself, she's really good."

"Why do you always have to be right about these sorts of things." Adrien shrugged his shoulders because his mouth was full. His cheeks were full of food.

   He shrugged his shoulders again, taking a bite of his food. His phone buzzed by his side and he picked it up, gazing at the screen. His lip slowly curved into a smile.

"What's with that stupid look on your face?" He looked up, with a blank expression.

"What?" He blinked at me. I scoffed at him, rolling my eyes.

"That smug grin." I pointed. "It's disturbing. On many levels." He looked down at his phone again and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get a look.

"What the hell is on that phone." I muttered. His eyebrows rose in fraction.

"Forget it. Just work" he said again. He continued the rest of his food in silence.

"You and I both know that's a fucking lie." I replied to him. "I have to meet someone in a few hours." I stood up from the stool, reaching over and taking bacon from his plate.

"See you later then?" he asked.

"Sure." I replied even though I wasn't facing him.

"Duncan" he called again and just as I turned around I saw him throwing my car keys to me. I caught it at once.

"Thanks." I continued heading for the door.

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