Episode 3 - Terrors Of The Deep

Start from the beginning

Ben: Is that so?

Ben looks around and smirks.

Ben: The way I see it, there's gasoline everywhere here, meaning you can't use your fire powers.

Johnny looks around too, and falters when he realizes that Ben is right.

Ben: So you see it too. Now, is there something you would like to say to me?

Johnny: Yeah. Suck it, you monstrous rock.

Ben roars and steps toward Johnny. He throws his arm back for a punch, but then something happens. He shrinks back down to normal size and his normal skin color returns.

Ben: What the-- yes! I'm back!
Johnny takes advantage of the distraction and runs out of range of the gasoline. He lights on fire and then flies off into the distance.

Scene 3

Johnny is sitting on a bench looking out at the ocean. He watches as some fish come up to the surface before going back into the water. The bubbles they made stay for a while, then disappear.

Johnny: Stupid rock man. I can't believe Reed and Sue would rather have him on the team than me.

Johnny watches as the water starts stirring around peacefully.

Johnny: I mean, what can he even do? He has brute force and shear ugliness, but that's it.

The water begins moving faster creating a whirlwind.

Johnny: I can literally turn into fire. I'm so hot.

The whole body of water is now trembling, and Johnny finally notices.

Johnny: Okay, that's not normal. Is there an earthquake coming?

Johnny sets himself aflame and lifts into the air, eyeing the water.

Johnny: What is going--

The surface of the water exploded, revealing an enormous whale-like creature. Water sprays everywhere as it surfaces, hitting Johnny and dosing his flames. The pressure of the water sends Johnny flying backwards. As the water clears, a drenched Johnny splutters, trying to get the water out of his mouth.

Johnny: Was that a bomb?!

The creature that had surfaced stands up to be at least 40 feet tall. It looks around, immediately focusing on Johnny's movement. It bends down to inspect Johnny and Johnny stands up and backs away from it. It looks at Johnny for a moment more before swiping at him and sending him flying into the depths of the ocean.

Scene 4

Reed is sitting at his lab in the Baxter Building while Sue paces around him nervously.

Sue: I don't understand where he could be. I mean, we've tried everywhere, right?

Reed: Ben's checking a place right now where he think Johnny could be. Maybe he already found him.

Sue: Why didn't Ben want us coming along, anyway? And why is Johnny missing in the first place? It's one thing to leave the team, but he's completely fallen off the radar!

Reed: He'll turn up, I'm sure of it. You know Johnny, he's unpredictable. Who knows what's going through his head.

Sue: That's the problem! He's unpredictable, and impulsive, and I'm worried about him!
Reed: Maybe it's a good thing he left the team.

Sue: What?!

Reed puts his hands up.

Reed: All I'm saying is that Johnny held the highest risk of compromising us when he was on the team, since he was so impulsive. The team is more under control now that he's gone.

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