━ Chapter Two

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SILAS WATCHED AS THE SUN BEGAN TO RISE OVER THE HORIZON. He could hear the other vampires in the house, talking and visiting while he took a drag of his cigarette. The peace and quiet were relaxing to him.

"You know those are bad for you." A cool voice joked from behind them and Silas didn't spare Edward a glance. "I wanted to talk to you about something if you don't mind."

"You are going to ask questions whether I wish for you too or not." Silas shrugged before looking over at the bronze haired male, eyebrow raised.

He knew Edward was curious and he couldn't help but feel a small connection to the mind reader. Maybe it was the curious tone in his voice that reminded him of Peter, maybe it was the laughing smirk that mirrored Tiana's. But it could also be the way he had a sass to him that was almost identical to Cecilia.

"I can't read your mind, but I know your not a shield." Edward squinted his eyes. "Why?"

Silas chuckled, taking another drag from the cancer stick. "It's my gift, it's evolved over the years I guess you can say." His eyes turned black, no iris no pupils just dark obsidian.  "My gift is very complicated but very easy to understand."

Edward shivered as a flash of fear traveled down his spine, curling within the pit of his stomach. Then his eyes flashed in realization, remembering the bits and slivers of Silas that had bounced around in Carlisle's head.

And finally, he spoke. "Fear, your gift has something to do with fear."

Silas smirked as his eyes turned to their original color. "You learn quickly and are very smart." He then tilted his head. "So you must know by now that Aro will not be here just to 'talk'." He used finger quotations around the word talk as he flicked his cigarette out.

Edward nibbled on his lip as he ran a hand down his face. "I know, but I'm hoping maybe we can persuade him."

The elder vampire let out a chuckle as he licked his lips. "I doubt that Edward. Aro won't see reason until the right time." Silas then gave an animalistic smile. "When fear has corrupted him, only then will he stop."

"And you're going to help with that?" Edward asked and Silas smirked, eyes sparkling with deep mischief that only Loki the Norse God of Mischief could copy.

"Oh, I plan to make his life a living nightmare." Then he laughed, a softer look in his crimson gaze. "Though I believe Cel would want that honor. She has always been one for a dramatic climax."

Edward snorted. "She does seem a bit extreme at times."

Silas laughed along with him as he looked at the sun that was now high in the sky. "You have no idea."

"Renesmee seems to like you." That caught Silas' attention as his eyebrows furrowed. Edward shrugged when the elder of the two turned to look at him. "She says you remind her of Loki from the Avengers series. It's quite amusing when she calls you Reindeer Games when she brags about you to the shifters."

Silas' eye twitched as a laugh bubbled in his throat. "That little rascal is quite the little miracle." Then he frowned. "I apologize for Cecilia's hostility earlier."

Edward shrugged. "It's okay, I get it. You have never seen anything like Renesmee before."

"And that's what bugs me." Silas muttered as he scratched his chin in thought. "It's been so long but I could have sworn I've heard of a case like this before. Only the mother died at childbirth."

"It doesn't matter right now." Edward dismissed and Silas nodded in agreement. "What matters is keeping my daughter and family safe."

Silas smiled at him as they both turned back to look at the blue sky, their skin sparkling and eyes shining.

"Agreed Edward, agreed."

𝐍𝐘𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀, jane volturi ✓Where stories live. Discover now