She heard a few things crash, assuming he threw around some of his belongings. She waited on the couch patiently, planning her next move to help him through this.

His door swung open revealing a distraught FP. Their eyes immediately met and he shook his head seeing as she was still here.

"Yeah, I'm still here." She took a sip of her tea.

"You shouldn't be." He walks to the kitchen to grab himself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah I think I should be." She sets her cup down and makes her way to his small kitchen. "I don't understand why you choose to run away when things get tough, FP. I've watched you do it your entire life, please don't do this now, please don't do this again." She begs him.

"We're done talking about this." He states, pouring his coffee into his mug.

"Why are you shutting me out, FP? I'm here, I'm right here. Why are you doing this?" She exclaims.

He turns around to face her with fire in his eyes. "Because I am going to die, Alice, okay?"

"You're not going to die!"

"I don't want you around to watch that." He ignores her, taking his mug to his living room.

"You are on a transplant list, you are going to get a new liver!" She follows him.

"I screwed up my entire life, this is karma. This is me getting what I have always deserved." He exclaims, setting his mug down on the coffee table.

"Fp, that is ridiculous!" She yells.

"Don't you get it? I don't get some kind of happily ever after." He yells back. "All of this? this doesn't matter, nothing matters." He continues yelling as he gestures between the two of them.

"Nothing matters?" She's taken aback.


Rage and pain had filled her entire body hearing his words. "Nothing matters? Okay, nothing matters?" She walks swiftly towards his guitar.

"Alice, what are you-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence as she smashes his guitar.

He lets out a sigh. "What did you do that for?"

"You said nothing matters, why do you care?" She sassily repeats his words, eyeing his prized possession fish hanging on the wall.

She starts walking towards it, but he sees what she's going for and gently grabs her arm to gold her back.

"Do not touch me!" She pushes him away. "I thought you said nothing matters?" Her voice breaks.

"You're right." He whispers, taking the fish down from the wall. "Here, break it. Break everything in this damn trailer." He hands it to her.

She shakes her head in disbelief, tears stinging in her eyes. "You always said you wanted to be the man who deserved me. Now you have a chance to do that, with me, right here right now."

"It's not that simple, Al."

"Of course it's that simple. What? Do you not believe in us enough?" She asks him.

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