chapter I

311 11 2

Nahyuta POV


[ It was an exquisite Sunday in the kingdom of Khura'in and the royal family was busying themselves with a wedding that will occur tomorrow in the Gasayo garden. The wedding organizers of the palace stroll down the corridors as her Benevolence Rayfa Padma gives out orders. Quietness was unimaginable that day as everybody was occupied with arrangements. The youthful prince Nahyuta Sahdmadhi alongside his angelic mother queen Amara were sitting in the observatory discussing about plans. The bride to be, Ema Skye had a few hours left till her arrival and the palace was in upheaval ]

My mother, queen Amara was brushing my light lavender hair as we sat inside the observatory walls. I generally allow my mother to brush my hair since she knows what is best for me. Braiding my hair each morning myself gets tiring and it feels endless yet when my mother runs her delicate fingers through my hair it feels sweet.

Every so often she will sing a tune from my childhood and other days she will talk about the upcoming wedding that I am not excited for. Since I was a little boy I was never attracted to the girls of the kingdom, however I figured I was too young to even consider understanding what love was.

Mother consistently instructed me to treat the ladies of the kingdom with respect since one of them will end up being my future bride. I respect my mother, yet I generally detested when she assumed that I preferred women.

I never went against my mothers word since that would be a grave sin to commit. I couldn't risk my afterlife for something like preference. Mother knew best and that is what I was taught.

Mother completed braiding and stated,

"My sweet Nahyuta dear, I have finished braiding your delicate hair."

I get up gracefully and bow,

"Thank you, your Benevolence." I reply sweetly.

She goes after my face and brushes my cheek softly,

"My sweet Nahyuta, it would be ideal if you call me mother."

I gesture and turn for the entryway. I place my hand on the knob and turn it slowly. I am immediately approached by a small boy with a tuft of hair on his head.

"Hap'piraki my prince!" he proposes.

"Hap'piraki to you as well." I respond.

"If you don't mind accompany meeeeeeee!" and he gets at my hand and runs.

 My hand getting pulled alongside his as he runs all throughout the castle. "Excuse me, where ever are you taking me!" I shout as I grab my hand back from his. "Allow me to explain!" As he smashes his clenched fist into his other hand.

"The young princess Ema has shown up and requested that she would like to meet you!" He was practically stifling on his words. I let out a sigh and shake my head. I guess it can't be helped. I will allow myself to visit her Benevolence, she will be my future wife whether that I like it or not.

"Alright, it would be ideal if you lead me to her." I state. "Please allow me to do the distinctions your Majesty." The little boy yelled once more.

May the Holy Mother's blessing be upon you -

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