All for one is born

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10 years later

On a dark and still night there is no sound except the screams of a man who is being burned to a crisp by a person with a black metal helmet.  This man is about 5ft 5in,  and is laughing maniacally at the pile of ash in front of him.

(Deku's pov)

I can't believe it has only been 10 years and I have killed 1364 people.  Most of there quirks were useless but I found use for some of them. 

I have been trying to think of a villain name for when I make my debut, but I can't think of anything.

I'll think of something tomorrow. Right now I need to go to sleep.

(Time skip next day)

I went to the kitchen only to find out I have no food.  The good news is that I might be able to find some good quirks, bad news is that it's the middle of the day.

As I was walking to the store I saw that bastard Bakuhoe. I tried to quickly walk past and ignore him but he just had too recognize me.  "Oi nerd" kind of whisper shouted Bakuhoe.  I put up my facade to get rid of any suspicion "h-hey K-Kacchan". "Where the he'll have you been. I haven't seen or heard from you for months." "Oh sorry I just have had a lot on my mind."

(At a hero association in Musutafu)

(No one's pov)

"Endeavor we have reason to believe that there is a new Nomu hanging around Musutafu for unknown reasons and that it has slaughtered hundreds of people." Said detective Naomasa.  "If there is a Nomu in Musutafu then this is a problem." Thought Endeavor. "But why contact me and not All Might!"Endeavor shouted.  "Because All Might is currently unavailable." Replied Naomasa calmly.

(Deku's pov)

(Time skip)

I was finally able to get away from that annoying Pomeranian and was in the mood for some chaos.  Also today would be a great day too make my debut.

I walked to the mall and right outside it without anyone noticing I pressed a button and my helmet went around my head.  I pointed my finger at the mall. "Let the games begin." Then I shot a giant laser out of my finger that obliterated 1/3 of the entire mall killing hundreds of civilians.  "Stop villain." Oh great it's hot head. I turn around and ask him "since you will be dead soon may I have the name of the fake hero I'm about to crush."  "Endeavor! And may I get the name of the freak I'm about to burn." the no.2 hero said. I then noticed the news helicopter in the air and so I decided to reveal to the world who I am. "Hi everyone I'm All for one.

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