Chapter 2

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The girls looked at Cassandra a little intimidated already, Cassandra slapped the table in the middle of them and said 

- Are you going to leave now or do I need to make a fuss?The girls ran off as if their lives depended on it- Too bad, I wanted to make a fuss - Cassandra said, sat in the chair and started fiddling with her cell phone, as if nothing had happened

- Needless ...- Mellie said, and sat down too. Maya and I sat down a little embarrassed and reluctant, and we started talking, well, at least they were talking, I was a little distracted thinking about what Allan had told me. I could have met him, I could have saved him ....

- And you Aly, what do you think? - Maya asked suddenly.

-about what ? - I asked - About joey's new haircut? - she said angrily that I wasn't paying attention, and already regaining her energetic tone of voice that she usually uses

I looked at her, then I looked at her boyfriend, Joey, who was suddenly there. He had cut his hair very short, which shocked me, since before he had big, dark hair, now he was almost bald.I think they noticed my surprised face when I looked at him, because they all laughed.

- Wow Aly, is it that ugly? - Joey asked pretending sadness

- Of course not, honey - Maya said before I could even answer.

- Oh my God, Erick is coming, how do I look? - Cassandra asked, while looking at her little mirror, which was invariably with her, and fixing her hair.

- Fantastic, as always - Mellie replied, then taking Cassandra's mirror to look at her image, also adjusting, but in a less frantic and desperate way.

Yeah, Cassandra has been in love with Erick since he became one of the school's top football players. He never seemed to care much, or notice anything, even though she made her interest in him very clear, extremely clear, as clear as possible. It is obvious that she has had countless boyfriends in the meantime, but she never really managed to overcome him. She keeps saying that he is "the most beautiful and wonderful and popular and hot and desired boy in school" (right, a lot of people says that), but I've known him since we were kids, I'm already quite used to him, so I feel a little difficulty in seeing him as "the heartthrob of the school"

And suddenly, Erick and Fred were beside me. Fred was distracted adjusting his leather jacket and Erick was looking at me closely, with his green eyes

-are you more distracted than usual today - he said - what happened?

- I'm sad about the boy's death - I replied

He shrugs

- Less competition, the girls were crazy about him for some reason - he said distractedly

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