"Tord, I swear, if you're thinking of hentai at a time like this." scowled Tom.

"Nope, nu uh, not me, I'm just thinking, uh, just thinking we should check to see if Tori is dead or not." sweated Tord nervously.

The purple horned man just narrows his eyes while the devil horned man whistles nervously, not meeting his gaze.

"When we get home, we really need to talk about your hentai addiction." said Tom.

Tord silently curses as Edd chuckles with Matt watching the two. He scratches his head before turning to his boyfriend.

"Did I miss something?" he asked.

"Not important." laughed Edd.

The four then look around the debris, looking for the clone, or better yet, her body. Matt kicks a rock as Edd lifts a pice of ceiling, Tom even helps Tord lift the robot hand to look.

Where did Tori go?

"Sir, is she down?" asked Paul.

"I believe so, but I can't be sure, we can't find her." said Tord.

As he says this, he hears some rubble move and Tori bursts out. The four friends jump back as she stumbles out of the pile, clothes torn and face scraped up.

"You, you are dead, I will not be defeated so easily!" yelled Tori, eyes now red.

Tord glares when he notices something off.

Tori was holding her arm but she seemed to be crying, tears dripping down her face. But her tears... matched her skin color?

It then hits him, Tori wasn't crying, she was melting.

"What's going on, she looks like she's pulling a wicked witch." said Edd.

"She's a clone, the fusion mixed with the corruption must have destabilized her DNA." said Tord.

"Huh?" asked Matt.

"He means she's falling apart." said Tom.

Matt nods but it's clear that he still doesn't get it. Tom facepalms while Tord looks at his clone with a look of triumph.

"You've already lost, Tori, you're unstable and will soon turn into a goo pile." he said.

"No, I am perfect, I will not be undone by this!" she yelled back.

With that, she grabs her guns and starts shooting. Tord ducks while Edd jumps into Matt's arms and they run behind the robot.

Tom rolls away to growl and pounces. He tackles Tori to the ground, knocking the gun across the floor. Purple smoke escapes from his eyes as his fangs grew longer.

Tori was down now, Tord sighs as he knows that all they need to do now is wait. Wait for her to become goo and after, they eliminate Rodrick.

But then, Tord hears a yell from across the room and looks to see Patryk on the ground with Paul at his side.

Rodrick was back up with a gun in hand. He fires at them, causing Tord to duck back and Tom to hide behind some fallen furniture.

"Red Leader, I won't let them defeat you." said Rodrick.

Tori just stands up, struggling as she sways.

"Shut up and get over here!" she yelled.

The man happily runs to his leaders side, the blind devotion clear on his face. Tord's eyes widen and he stands back up from his cover.

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