A magical night

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There was a sense of magic and excitement in the air. A sense that whatever would happen tonight, would be remembered for a very long time.  Everyone was buzzing, even Hollie was enthusiastic. She hadn’t felt like this since her dad left, but she knew this was going to be the night. This was going to be the night that was going to change everything.

              “Come on, you have to dress up! At least a little. Ronan’s gonna be there,” Nat sang Ronan’s name and Hollie could feel a blush creeping up her cheeks.

              “You know I hate dressing up, and it’s only a night at a fair, not a fancy dinner. Why can’t I just wear jeans and a t-shirt?” Hollie moaned.

              “If you were jeans and a t-shirt, Ronan isn’t going to notice you and you know it. This is your night Holls, you have to make an effort.” Nat is still positive, despite Hollie’s lack of enthusiasm.

              “Fine,” Hollie sighed as she fell down on Natalie’s bed. “Dress me like one of your mannequins” Hollie said seductively.

              “Yes! I knew you’d agree, eventually,” Natalie did a happy dance and pulled open her wardrobe doors. “Let’s see. No, no, definitely not, maybe, possibly, no…” Nat went through all the clothes on the rack and came back with five hangers.  “Right, Hollie sit up,” She demanded. Hollie pushed herself up onto her elbows and raised one eyebrow at Nat.

              “I’ve got this floral number,” Nat spoke as she held up a black floral dress. “Best worn with biker boots and a leather jacket,” She put the dress down and held up a burgundy skirt. . “Or, you could rock this little skater skirt with a crop top and some chunky heels,”

              “Definitely not,” Hollie interrupted. “I am not going to a fair on a field wearing heels,”

              “Well, that eliminates these options,” Nat exhaled as she got rid of the skirt, a green dress and a spotted playsuit. “The last thing I’ve got on offer today is this wonderful mint green maxi skirt, worn with a flower crown and some simple sandals,” Nat exclaimed.

              “Decisions, decisions,” Hollie whispered even though she knew what she was going to choose. “I think today it’s going to have to be the floral dress,” she revealed.

              “Yaay,” Natalie cheered. “Then I can wear the maxi skirt,”

Hollie laughed a little at how excited Natalie got about the little things. “Now come on, get dressed, we still need to do your hair and make-up,” Natalie gently threw the dress at leather jacket at Hollie.

              “What! No, that was not part of the deal. I said you could dress me up, not turn me into a model,”

              “Not even a little bit of mascara?” Nat pouted and Hollie couldn’t help but give in.

              “Fine, mascara and maybe eyeliner but that’s it,”

An hour and a half later, Hollie had her hair slightly curled, was wearing mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss and the outfit Nat picked out for her. This was something Hollie wasn’t used to. She was used to tying her dark blonde hair into a ponytail and concealing the dark circles under her eyes, sometimes. Hollie felt pretty, and could finally understand why girls like Natalie enjoyed spending time on their appearance.

              Speaking of Nat, she looked absolutely stunning with her dark hair curled to frame her face and the maxi skirt accentuating her long legs. She also wore a loose fitting white crop top and a little silver necklace.

365 days of writingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن