Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning discussing with my self if I wanted to go to the Sway house today. I don't know if I wanna see Quinton, but on the other hand I don't really give two fucks about him  and I wanna hangout with Amelie and the guys.

I got out of bed and went to the shower. I then put on an outfit and texted Amelie

 I then put on an outfit and texted Amelie

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The outfit

Amelie Zilber

Hey Amelie
Want the address?

Yes please haha

Here *******

Thanks I'll see you in 30?



I'll be there in 10 she'll in 30

Okay see you

*10 minutes later*

I knocked on the door but nobody answered. I tried knocking again but still nothing. At my third knock the door finally opened and a freckled boy was standing at the door.

"Hey y/n come in" Quinton said kinda awkward "thanks Quin" "not trying to be rude or anything but what are you doing here" he asked more awkward than before "Well me and my friend Amelie are supposed to hangout with Jaden here today" "oh okay" he said "well Jaden isn't here right now, he'll be back in 20 minutes I think he told me he had to go to the store" Quinton continued "okay where's the rest of the sway boy" "Noah and Josh left with him and the rest is asleep" "okay thanks I'll just wait in the living room for them to get back" "want me to wait with you?" "You can if you will" I said opening the door to the living room with Quinton behind me following.

It was kinda awkward and silent until I finally spoke up

Y- "sooo who was the girl from yesterday?"
Q- "uhm"
Y- "you don't have to tell me, it's not like we're together we just went out one time"

Quinton looked kinda hurt by my words

Q- "so it didn't mean anything to you?"
Y- "what didn't"
Q- "our date"
Y- "I mean yeah in the moment, but then we stopped talking so I understand if you got other dates with other girls"

Then the front door opened and Jaden walked in

Noah and Josh- "hey y/n"
Jaden- "hey sorry I just needed to get something from the store"
Y- "hey, it's fine Quinton was keeping me company" I said smiling at him
Y- "so what did you get"
Jaden- "What"
Y- "from the store"
Jaden- "oh nothing important, we just needed milk and eggs and stuff cause I was thinking we could make pancakes when Amelie gets here. As he said that there were a knock on the door. I got op and when over to open it. I opened the door and Amelie was standing there smiling.

"hey y/n nice to see you again" she said leaning in for a hug. I hugged her back and said "yeah you too" we broke the hug and then I told her to come in. She followed me inside and to the living room where Quinton, Jaden, Noah and Josh we're sitting.

Y- "hey guys this is Amelie"
A-"heeyy" they then introduced them self.
Jaden- "hey, I'm Jaden"
N- "I'm Noah"
Josh- "Josh"
Q- "and I'm Quinton"
A- "nice to meet y'all"
Jaden- "wanna go make those pancakes?" He said getting up.
Y- "yeah let's go"
Jaden, Amelie and I walked downstairs to the kitchen and Amelie and I was just sitting at the kitchen island talking to Jaden while he made the pancakes.

When the pancakes were done almost all of the boys were awake and had talked a bit with Amelie. Amelie, I and all the boys went upstairs to the living room again to eat. While we were eating we all just talked for a bit and then Bryce asked if we wanted to go in the pool.

A- "I didn't bring any bathing suits"
Y- "me neither but we can go back to my place and get some I live 2 minutes away" A- "okay sure"

Amelie and I got up and left.

We got to my house and we changed into bikinis under our clothes.



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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated. But I've been on vacation and Wattpad hasn't worked there:)


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