Episode 8: The Upside Down

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"You have five seconds to get out of here." Nancy says.

"Okay, is this a joke? Stop. Put the gun down." Steve says as he holds his hands up.

I see the lights flicker, a telltale that the thing will be here any minute, and I tune out their arguing. "Guys..." I murmur as the lights continue to flicker. "Guys." I say more firmly and they continue to argue and the lights flicker faster. "Guys! The lights!" I yell and they finally stop and watch the lights. "It's here."

"Wait, what's here?" Steve asks as Jonathan grabs the baseball bat ad I grab the ax.

"Where is it?" Nancy asks as we look around in panic as the lights continue to flicker.

"Where is what!?" Steve asks as Jonathan and Nancy look around and I stay near Steve just in case it tries to get Steve instead of us. "Hello!? Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going-" He's cut off by the ceiling collapsing in the corner. The thing tries to climb out and Nancy shoots at it.

"Run! Go! Go" I yell as I push Steve to Will's room and Jonathan grabs Nancy. "Bear trap!" I remind them and we run into the room as Steve screams, 'Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.'

We slam the door just as everyone is in. "Jesus! Jesus! What the hell was that!?" Steve yells.

"Shut up." We all tell him in sync.

I grip the ax over my shoulder as Nancy points the gun at the door and Jonathan readies the lighter. We hear it walking down the hallway before stopping.

"What's it doing?" Nancy asks to nobody in particular.

" I don't know." Jonathan mutters.

The lights continue to flicker and we wait for the yo-yo to move. The lights stop flickering and we wait for a moment.

"Do you hear anything?" I ask in a whisper.

Jonathan closes the lighter. "No."

We open the door with our weapons ready and walk out. There's no sign of the monster anywhere. Our plan didn't work. We can try again.

"This is crazy. This is crazy. This is actually crazy. This is crazy! This is crazy!" Steve panics before running for the phone and trying to call the police before I grab the phone from his hand and destroy it. What are you doing!? Are you insane!?"

"It's gonna come back! So you need to leave. Right. Now." I tell him.

Steve runs out of the house and to his car before the lights start flickering again. We look around for where it's going to appear. We look around before the lights go out completely. I hear some kind of growling behind me when Jonathan and Nancy turn around to look at me.

"Y/n!" They both shout and I turn around to the thing growling in my face.

It tackles me to the grown and looks at me. It's face opens up kind of like an ugly five petaled flower with teeth. Nancy shoots at the thing while yelling something, but I'm in too much shock to know what she's saying. It turns to look at her as Jonathan hits it with the baseball bat. It stands up and the lights start flickering again. Nancy and Jonathan step back before Steve comes in and takes the bat from Jonathan and starts hitting it back until it steps on the bear trap.

"He's in the trap!" Steve yells

"Jonathan, now!" Nancy yells to Jonathan and Jonathan lights it up.

I run over with a fire extinguisher so the flames don't burn our house down. "Step back!" I yell before spraying its contents at the fire.

The lights go out and it's pitch black as we all cough. Slowly the lights come back on and we look at the damage to see no monster.

"Where did it go?" Nancy asks.

"No. It has to be dead." Jonathan murmurs as we step closer. "It has to be."

Suddenly, the lights that lead down the hallway slowly turn on one by one. They stop right at the trap before they start leading the other way towards the door.

"Mom." Jonathan and I say at the same time.

"Is that you?" Jonathan says.

We walk outside and watch the sunlamp in the yard flicker.

"Where's it going?" Nancy asks.

"I don't think that's the monster." I say as we watch the light.


Hopper comes to the house and tells us that they got Will and that he's okay. Mom brought him to the hospital and he's resting now. Nothing can explain the amount of pure relief that washes over me and I can't help but laugh and cry at the same time as I hug Jonathan and he cries too. We go to the hospital and Mom, Jonathan and I sit by his bedside for hours until he wakes up.

"Hey." Mom says as Will opens his eyes. "Hi, sweetheart." Will smiles tiredly at us as Jonathan and I greet him as well.

"Where... where am I?" Will mumbles.

We smile at each other. "You're home." I tell him.

"You're safe." Jonathan says as he takes Will's hand.

"Jonathan... Y/n." Will murmurs with a smile as Jonathan lets a tear escape, same with me as I chuckle quietly.

"We missed you." Jonathan says with a smile. "We really missed you."

Will looks at our bandaged hands. "Are you okay?" He asks, concerned, as he looks between us.

"What, this?" I mutter as I lift my hand. "It's just a cut. It's nothing." I smile and chuckle. "You're worried about our hands?" Jonathan, Mom, and I chuckle softly.

Jonathan grabs picks up a box and sets it on the bed. "Oh, hey, uh... we, uh... We brought you some stuff... so you don't get bored in here. So..." Jonathan pulls out a cassette. "Uh, I made you a new mix tape. There's some stuff on there I think you really might like." Will smiles at us.

Jonathan leaves to go get Wills friends. The boys rush into the room and hug him to death. That's really how Will Byers died. Just kidding. They gave him some space after hugging him and talked all about their adventures.

I just watched them interact with teary eyes. Will was back. And he was safe.

Will was home.

[Season 1 End]

*1620 words

Stranger Things - Steve Harrington X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora