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"I'm going to make this rule loud and clear. This is a time for festivities, so there will be no fighting whatsoever!"


Today's the school festival, everyone within the academy had spent early Saturday morning setting up decorations, booths, and various games. It was rewarding teamwork, though the more strenuous labor was done with ease, thanks to a well-known delinquent.

"Alright, I'm out..."

"Wait, Zack...aren't you going to take part in the festival?"

One of the students approached the bandaged ruffian; a young woman with long, blonde hair, and blue eyes with an unnatural deepness to them.

"Nah...it's not really my thing..." Zack muttered. "You can go if you want, Ray."

The blonde gave him a displeased pout as she tugged on the sleeve of his jacket. He sees in her eyes that she wanted him to join her in the festivities, much to his chagrin. Still, it's hard to say no to her for some reason.


As soon as his off-colored eyes gazed at Rachel, he noticed a soft smile on her face - a smile that could make a scoundrel like him lock up. He grumbled under his breath, as he allowed her to lead him through the school grounds. It almost appeared like a miniature fair, there were different food vendors, game booths, and even rides set up for all of the visiting patrons. Aside from the food, Zack didn't seem all too interested in the assorted attractions. Rachel tried a few games here and there, like a ring toss, throwing darts at balloons, to even trying to catch a goldfish. She did acquire some tickets for her winnings to be exchanged later for a better prize, which Isaac held onto them for safekeeping - it was best to save it all until the end of the day.

Zack appeared a bit bored from it all, the games seemed so childish to him, but if Ray was having a fun time, then he wasn't going to complain. After all, it was rare to have a moment of peace within their school, instead of the usual bouts of tussling.

It was all fun and games until Zack's stomach began to growl loudly.

Ray glanced at him, only to see him tug at his hood to hide his flustered expression. She knew the young man's appetite, so buying just one snack at a vendor won't do - Zack's metabolism was way too quick for that.

"We can just call it quits here n' just go out to eat..."

"Yeah, I guess we could-"

"Rachel! There you are! I was hoping we can..." a voice called out, then paused. It was Eddie, a ginger haired boy who shared the same classes as Ray and Zack. His expression soured once his green eyes locked on to the delinquent. "...What's this brute doing here?"

"Hanging out, shouldn't a brat like you be running around, playing your little baby games?"

Eddie gave him a sneer, "They're not for babies, maybe if you weren't such a savage, you'd know what fun is! Ray, why don't you come hang out with me, Zack's obviously being a buzzkill to a great day like this."

"The hell you just say?!"


Another growl rumbled in Zack's belly, quickly shutting him up, but it made Eddie laugh.

"Such a simpleton, you obviously have a one-track mind."

"Oh piss off! I haven't eaten all day!" Zack snapped, "While you were sitting on your ass, putting up fake flowers, I've been busting mine with the heavier stuff!"

Eyes on the Prizeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें