Dream Team lil cave adventure

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One day three young kids was travelling across the jungle pretty far away from their home. One of them wears a mask, a weird body, and holds a medium sized wood axe. Another one was wearing goggles, a blue shirt, and a collar on his hand. The last one was wearing a headband, a white shirt, and was holding a torch.

Those three was called dream, george, and sapnap. Three very adventerous kids and has a set of their own charm, they called themselves the dream team. Today Dream told the other 2 about the cool idea he had for an adventure, the other 2 were excited but they would later found out what dream was taking about.

"Dream are you sure about this?", Asked george with a concern face.
"Yeah, we're pretty far away from the village. Are you sure this is safe?", Added sapnap with the same expression as george.
"We'll be fine, It's just a cave how bad can it be?", Dream said with full confidence gaining a look from the other two.
"Point taken, but come on when else are we gonna get a chance for a real adventure?", Dream insisted.

Both of them looked at each other and back to dream, they both agreed with dream.
"That's the spirit, now how about we go in?", Dream asked just as they arrived at the cave entrance.

The three entered the cave and after a while it starts getting darker and darker. Dream and george stopped and both started to stare at a clueless sapnap.
"What?", Sapnap said with a clueless look on his face and shrugging.
"THE TORCH SAPNAP!", Both shouted with an annoyed voice.
"Oh right, I forgot", Sapnap said and giggled.

Both rolled there eyes and started walking again. They continue walking killing a few zombie and skeleton along the way. They started talking about what they would find inside the cave new weapons, emeralds, maybe even Gapples but suddenly a voice could be heared.

"Do you guys hear that? Sounded like a spider", George said.
"It was probably you george", Sapnap teased.
"Wha-, how would i even make that voice?", yelled george.

As they both started arguing, Dream looks at his surroundings and saw a crack at the wall, He walked towards the crack while the other 2 were still arguing. Dream peeked through the crack and started hitting it with his axe again and again, getting the attention of the other two. After a few more swings the crack got bigger.
"And they say an axe isn't good for breaking stone, seems like they were wrong", Dream exclaimed.
The three went to look closer at the crack only to be surprised by a big spider coming out of it.

Dream started chasing it and the other 2 followed behind him, they chased the spider across the cave but before they could realise they were in a mineshaft. Dream stops for a bit to let his friends catch up to him.

"A little warning or 'lets go' would be nice", George jabbed.
"Sorry about that got a little to excited", Dream Apologised.
Sapnap in the background still struggling to breathe. Dream starts walking again to look for the spider.
"Where do you think you're going?", George asked.
"To kill that thing ofc" Dream said while puling out his axe.
"We are not gonna kill that thing, we should head back to the entrance we came from and go back home", George insisted.
"Yeah, Dream this is going too far", Sapnap added.
"You two could go back but im not coming back until i kill that thing", Dream exclaimed and walks away from the other two.

George and sapnap discussed on what to do, while Dream as the natural hunter that he is, starts tracing the abnormally big spider. Dream kept walking until he found himself a chest inside it was a stone axe, a gapple, a couple rails and 2 iron ingots.
"Nice a better axe, pretty heavy though", Said Dream while grabbing the gapple aswell. While admiring what he found, Dream could hear the spider again and followed the sound to a large part of the cave. There Dream saw its pray, the big spider has nowhere else to go. Dream readied to kill the beast but before anything the spider jumped and tried a surprise attack, Dream usually would be fine with this but due to his inexperience with the new axe He was to slow and the spider manage to knock him down.

"AAAAA(or whatever dream screams sounds like)", Dream shouted.
George and Sapnap arrived just in time and pushed the spider away. George check on dream while sapnap holds the exit. The spider quickly passed dream and geogre heading right towards sapnap and poisoned him.
Dream and george quickly ran to sapnap.
"Here take this", Dream said while give the gapple from earlier. Sapnap ate the gapple and balanced out the poison in his system.
Dream didnt waste their time going after the spider again but this time george is with him, while sapnap stays behind and wait for his wound to heal.

Dream and george found the spider again and this time they aren't playing around. George put a shock collar on it and slowed it down and Dream quickly finish the job before the spider could even react but the shear hit of the axe causes the whole ground to break and making them both fell down. Dream manage to held on to something but george wasnt so lucky.
"GEOORRGGEEEE!!", Dream shouted holding his hand out. "DREAAAAAMMM!", George shouted back while falling to the dark.

Dream instantly went down to check on what happened to george but the image he saw after, Dream couldnt forget that image till the rest of his days. Dream saw george body broken, and a sharp piece of stone right through his chest while the rest of george is dusting away. Dream froze standing there speechless while his friend dusted away. He couldnt bare the sheer guilt and the face of his friend dying infront of him.


Sapnap arrived and saw dream standing there, at first he was confused but soon realised what had happened. Sapnap carried dream back to their home, in which Dream instantly goes to george's bed wating for his friend to come back. Dream waited for days not even bothering to rest or eat, but he eventually went to sleep one night.

Morning comes by and somebody woke up dream. It was george, he finally respawned after a couple of days. But before george says anything, Dream instantly hugs george without saying a word.

Then we came back to the present when the Dteam splited up. Dream was remembering this while there was a storm outside.
That image still haunts dream to this day, It hurts for him to even think about it. Such old and simpler times, he would do more than kill to go back. But now, Dream is forced to do what he do best to numb the pain.HUNT

[The End]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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