i | " wrong place, right time "

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a/n: i don't anticipate for this story to really go anywhere, i just wanted to tell a story.


Tires squealed against the pavement in an ear-splitting crusade as the Triple Threat Triad members attempted to flee the scene of a crime that they almost had the chance to commit. Had it not been for the Avatar, the master of all four elements, they would have gotten away scot-free. Korra clenched her fists with a triumphant smirk, using her bending to gain control of the earth beneath the paved asphalt.

Ripples vibrated beneath her feet. A column of earth erupted sharply from the surface of the road and rocketed up against the underbelly of the pristine Satomobile, sending it flying into the air in a rapid spiral. The men cried in hysteria and disorientation as their car was sent flying up towards a nearby apartment building, with the three of them still buckled inside. Their shrieks echoed throughout the local neighborhood.

Local vendors hid behind their tents and produce stands to avoid intervening in the altercation as children were yanked away from the danger by frantic parents. Police sirens could already be heard wailing in hot pursuit of the scene of the crime. Their echoes weaved between the urban streets and bounced off the gleaming windows that sparkled in the afternoon sun.

Harahni, finding herself standing in the wrong place at the right time, paused, frozen in pure shock as the spiraling, airborne Satomobile flipped over itself with its trajectory set squarely on her. People screamed at the sight, crying out that a child was in the way, that a child was in danger. Her brown eyes widened.

The Avatar gasped, only then spotting the girl in the path of the out-of-control vehicle. "No!" Korra hollered out, reaching her hand desperately towards the girl on the far sidewalk.

Harahni tilted her head back to watch as the vehicular shadow consumed her, feeling as if time itself had slowed to a crawl.

🍃Earlier that day🍃

"So, students, who can tell me about the day of Black Sun?" a chorus of silence sang out in response to the question. The teacher pursed her ruby red lips and squinted behind her glasses "It was one of the questions from our pop quiz yesterday, so I'm assuming that some of you know at least something" she leaned against the front of her desk with a piece of chalk between her fingers as she waited for a response.

This time, the sound of invisible crickets humming an obnoxious tune retorted. Harahni propped her chin on her palm and turned her head to gaze out the open classroom window. Low hanging, marshmallow clouds hung over Avatar Aang's statue which glistened in the far distance of the harbor. He tall over the water that shimmered in the afternoon sunlight.

Out of utter boredom, she found herself imagining the stone statue of the past reincarnation coming to life in a fantastical spectacle. Envisioning as its lifeless eyes and crafted arrow tattoos glow white and startling the public on land. There was a mixture of fear and awe, screaming and praising.

The teacher continued to tap her foot impatiently as Harahni's mind formulated a continuation of the day dream that sent the statue stepping down from its perch gracefully and crossing over the harbor. He looked over across the water to take in the scenery, and then in the direction of the academy, of her. He smiled. She didn't.

The school was perched on a hill, overlooking the east end of Republic City. Strangers could be seen scurrying about the city streets, hustling to their next, unknown destination. Traveling down the decline, and over the Kyoshi bridge, you reach the park that meets Yue Bay. The bay where her grandfather stood watch. He returned to his perch and stance, cementing back into stone.

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