vi | "dull eyes"

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Under the shelter of the gazebo, Korra and Harahni sat in quiet conversation in the late afternoon hours, the soft sound of raindrops pattering against the wooden, slanted roof providing a soothing backdrop to their discussion. Korra's voice was animated as she recounted her experiences in the pro-bending arena, her eyes alight with excitement as she spoke of the strategies and techniques she had learned since joining the organization.

One story loosely connected to the next. She told of the circumstances that led to her joining the team, and of their first match as a unified trio. The grey-eyed girl could only imagine what it's like to practice using all three of the four elements. To dawn the protective clothing and collaborate as a group in order to achieve success in the ring.

Harahni sat back, leaning against her palms as she watched the city over in the horizon, and she listened to the Avatar delve into the details of the teammates that fought alongside her in the arena. If it had not been for Sesi, she would've had the opportunity to meet them. The bandage coating her nose would've never existed as well. It's sticky residue stuck to her skin and irritated her constantly. The last few days had turned out to be an absolute shit-show.

"What happens if you get hurt out there during a match, worker's comp?" Harahni asked, her tone dull. She at least wanted to make it seem like she cared about what Korra had to say.

"Ha! I wish. I've found that my ability to heal has really come in handy on the team," Korra explained, her tone turning more serious as she touched upon the topic of healing "Using water to mend wounds and soothe injuries—it's a powerful skill. Your gran-gran taught me everything I know"

Harahni listened intently, her expression thoughtful as she considered Korra's words. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at the other girl's abilities, her own lack of bending a constant source of frustration. Her entire family was made up of powerful, world-renowned benders, and yet she received the short end of the stick, along with her Uncle Sokka and Uncle Bumi.

"Speaking of that... would you like me to heal your wound?" Korra offered suddenly, her eyes flicking to the bandage that covered Harahni's nose.

Harahni hesitated for a moment, her hand unconsciously reaching up to touch the bandage. It hadn't entirely occurred to her that that was a possibility. With a resigned shrug, she peeled the gauze away, revealing the angry red gash that marred the bridge of her nose. Dried clumps of blood lined the cut that was stitched together neatly with black thread. It throbbed painfully, a constant reminder of the altercation with Sesi.

Korra's brow furrowed in concentration as she summoned a small sphere of water from the water droplets that pattered the ground outside of the gazebo. The liquid glowed with a faint blue-white light as she gently pressed it against Harahni's wound, willing it to heal. She closed her grey-eyes, relaxing as the Avatar focused her energy on sealing the gash. Rain pattered as she worked, trailing down the roof and pouring into the plants that lined the perimeter.

But to their surprise, nothing happened as a result. The wound remained stubbornly open, unaffected by Korra's attempts to mend it.

Perplexed, Korra withdrew the water, her expression a mixture of confusion and concern "That's strange," she muttered, casting a puzzled glance at Harahni as the water dispersed back into the rain "I've never encountered anything like this before. I... don't understand why it's not working."

Harahni's own confusion mirrored Korra's, her mind racing with unanswered questions. She returned the bandage to her nose and smoothed out the gauze. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she be healed like everyone else? As the rain continued to fall outside, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her like a shroud.

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