Gasping for breath from the hard kick to his chest, Ben tried to focus. He had his hands up, feigning a surrender, at least until he could reach her, just let her know that he was there, too, if she hadn't already felt him.

She hadn't, he learned quickly. The minute he focused and stopped seeing blurs, he saw her face. It took her a second to notice him, but suddenly, her eyes flew across his face and then returned. Her brows came together and her lips split briefly, before she returned to a stoic look, undoubtedly having to mask her relief in seeing him, at last. Ben. He watched the grip on her lightsaber loosen, which she held upright and close to her face, seemingly ready to strike.

Their stare did not break. The longer she watched him, the more he tried to look and feel himself. They could not speak, and it was taking enough energy to hold their connection in such a vulnerable time, but he tried with everything he could in his facial features to convey to her the truth: it's me, I'm with you. I'm with you.

Rey nodded her chin down ever so slightly. Her mouth closed, her jaw clenched, readying herself for something. Ben nodded his head once to her, ready himself for her to make the move.

Rey pushes her lightsaber back, behind her back, and when Ben's hand snuck to his own back, their hands connected. Her mind had connected the dots faster than he had— the raindrop, the berries, the helmet. Their connection through the Force allowed not only them to transcend space, but objects. Ben grabbed the lightsaber from her and swung it around to his front, admiring the comfort of the blue lightsaber that once belonged to his uncle.

He brought his hand back to his side, smirking at the Knights, and offered a small shrug. Surprise. And then he attacked.

Weapon in hand, it felt like the Knights barely fought back. Luke's lightsaber became apart of his body for the few seconds he swung it around to defeat the Knights. It felt entirely different than how his own lightsaber had felt as he swung it; Luke's was lighter, gentle. Ben could feel himself moving differently than he had when he wore the mask. He felt grace, pristine, clean movements, and he was confident in his abilities again.

He ducked as a weapon flew at his head, twisting the saber parallel his back to avoid a staff hitting his back. It sizzled as it connected with the lightsaber and as he looked up, throwing his hair from his face, he saw Cyra watching him, her eyebrow raised in pride. He managed to wink at her.

Cyra rolled her eyes. She pushed her hand forward, blowing back the last Knight who was advancing too close for her comfort. It gave Ben the distance he needed to fly over the Knights head and shove his lightsaber through his chest.

"You're welcome!" Cyra called after him jokingly as he flew past her to where Rey was fighting her own group of foes.

Ben grabbed the last opponent of Rey's and tossed his head so hard into the ground they would no longer have to worry about it. When his body hit the floor, and Rey spun to finally take him on, she noticed Ben did it for her, and she froze.

At last, they saw each other in person.  He walked to her, their eyes together, as if it wasnt true. With every step, nerves grew in his stomach. He could feel the eyes of Palpatine on him, but he ignored it, intent on making Rey know that they were together, at last.

They met, in front of Palpatine's throne, and together, raised the lightsabers of two Skywalker's that came before them, how it should have been all along.

Palpatine didn't say much about Ben. He decided quickly his fate would be the same as the girls. "Stand together, die together," he decided, and with a clench of his fist, Ben and Rey were knocked onto their knees and held there. The minute he touched them through the Force, a soft hiss exuded from his lips before he realized what the defense was.

To Be So Lonely // Ben SoloWhere stories live. Discover now