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Aboard the Finalizer once more, Ben was notified of a dagger found by the Stormtroopers that was being transcribed. He kept walking briskly, trying to separate himself from them, until they notified him that a Wookie was captured, and not just any Wookie, but his fathers old friend. He thought for a long, tense moment about seeking him out. Ultimately, he did not. He did not have time for words with the Wookie— he had to keep moving.

A droid was transcribing the dagger when Ben found where they were keeping it. The translators said some words about having to find a droid programmed to read ancient Sith language, but Ben was not listening until they gave him the coordinates, the riddle, and then he was off to his quarters with it in tow.

He could not say much more than he had a feeling Chewbacca would not be staying with the First Order long. Whether it be a breakout scheme by Rey and her friends, or Ben releasing him secretly, he knew the dagger needed to return to them for her and her friends to discover the coordinates. He knew not where they were any longer, but he knew he could count on them discovering their next location. If he could beat them to the Death Star remains, destroy the second Wayfinder, Rey would be forced to work with him. He could tell her then, in private, with trust, that he was ready for it all to be over.

Ben found Chewbacca's bowcaster and his sash in his quarters. He slipped the dagger back into his bag. As he brought back his arm, it nudged against the lightsaber on his hip. Ben looked down, where the silver handle was poking out from his cloak. He carefully grabbed Cyra's lightsaber from his waist and held it softly in his hands. With a sigh, he put her lightsaber in his bag as well. He had no idea where it would end up. Somewhere better, he hoped beyond belief, somewhere it could rest, too.

When he returned to the floor, he was notified Rey and the other Resistance members were spotted on Kijimi. Ben asked the Knights to take off after them in a separate ship while the Finalizer caught up. He waited on the Finalizer until they were in Kijimi's orbit to land in the city on his own craft, seeking out Rey on his own, away from the Knights. If he could just get her alone...

Ben parades through the town once, finding no sign of Rey or her friends. His Knights reported no sightings either.

Then, suddenly, as he stepped through the town square, he saw her. Her back was to him, standing out like a sore thumb with her white clothing against the dark town. Her head was cast down, her shoulders tense. He could sense her emotions. Grief, anxiety. Confusion, so deeply, as of late.

"Rey," he said softly, causing her to flinch and raise her weapon at him. He paused. "You are hard to find."

She was angered by the mere sight of him. "You're hard to get rid of."

Ben nodded, almost apologetically. "I needed to see you. I need you to see who you are. I know the rest of your story--"

"You're lying," she said immediately.

"I never lied to you," he refused, his tone laced with hurt at the thought. If there was one thing he had done, it wasn't lie to her. "Your parents were no one. They chose to be to keep you safe."

Rey's forehead came together in refusal, her eyes clenched shut momentarily to ward off the tears. "Don't."

But he had to keep going. "You remember more than you say. I've been in your head."

"I don't want this," Rey gasped, shaking her head.

"Search your memories," tempted Ben.

"No!" Rey yelled, and she swung at him. He dodged it carelessly.

To Be So Lonely // Ben SoloWhere stories live. Discover now