Imagine others if you want :)

After I found these shoes I got hungry and decided to get some food. I bought a chicken salad and sat down eating. When I was done eating I felt ready to go home. When I got up from where I was sitting I bumped into some other girl and we both fell and I dropped my shoe bags. "I am so so sorry that was totally my fault" I said embarrassed "no no it's okay, it was definitely my fault" she responded getting up and picking up one of my bags "here" she said handing it to me "thanks" "are you okay" she asked "yeah yeah I'm fine" "I am really sorry" "no it's totally fine it was my fault" "no no no it was my fault" she said teasingly "okay it was your fault" I said laughing "I'm Amelie what's your name" "I'm y/n" "I love your name, we should be friends" "sure what's your insta" I asked pulling up my phone "it's ameliezilber" I found her insta and tapped the following button "you sure got a lot of followers" I said not really surprised cause if you look at her she's gorgeous. She pulled her phone out and followed me back "we should hangout sometime" she said smiling "we sure should" "Well I gotta go bit I'll dm you" "okay bye" "bye" I then went out to my car and drove home.

After I got home I laid on my bed watching Netflix when Carter came in "hey y/n" "hey Carter" "wanna go out tonight for dinner instead of staying home" "sure where are we gonna go" "Boa steakhouse?" He asked wanting me to confirm "sure" "okay but mom won't be joining us she is going out with some friends from work" "okay that's fine" "imma go now but I'll be back home in like an hour and then we'll leave" "okay bye" "bye" Carter said leaving me alone. I was bored and decided to FaceTime Jaden, and he picked up straight ahead "hey y/n what's up" "nothing much" "okay what have you been up to today" "well I was at the mall and I made a new friend and tonight me and Carter are gonna go out for dinner" "wait you've replaced me" he said fake crying acting hurt "awe you little baby don't cry, I need some girl friends too ya know, I can't hangout with boys all the time what will people think of me then" "fuck what people will think, plus you got Nessa" "okay I need more girl friends than one" I said laughing "well you should bring her here, what's her name" "her name is Amelie, and sure I'll text her right now" "okay bye" "bye Jaden"

I then dm'ed her.

Amelie Zilber

Hey Amelie it's y/n from the mall earlier

Hey y/n what's up

Not much
Just wanted to invite you to the Sway house to hangout

Sure when?


Sure I'll see you tomorrow then

Yeah see you

I then texted Jaden letting him know we would be coming over tomorrow


Hey Jaden Amelie and I will come over tomorrow

Okay sure

I then had 20 minutes till Carter would be here so I decided to get ready.

I then had 20 minutes till Carter would be here so I decided to get ready

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This is what I wore. I decided to scroll through TikTok cause I still had 10 minutes till Carter got home.

*10 minutes later*

"Hey y/n I'm home you ready to go?" He yelled as soon as he opened the front door "yeah I'm ready" I yelled back leaving my room and walking downstairs to him. We walked out the door and to the car "I wanna drive" I said exited "last time I checked you weren't 16" "no but I can still drive as long as someone with a driving license is with me" "well okay then" he said throwing the keys after me. We drove to Boa, got a table and waited to order. A group of loud boys then entered the restaurant and sat down at the table beside ours. When they sat down I turned around cause I thought I recognised the voices. As soon as I turned around I could see who it was "hey guys" "y/n. Hey what are you doing here" Bryce asked "are you on a date?" Blake said "ew no" I answered "she's my sister" Carter interrupted. It was Bryce, Blake, Noah, Josh and Jaden who were there. "Oh I'm sorry" Blake said kinda awkward "it's fine" I said. "You guys wanna join us?" Noah asked smiling with his very contagious smile. "Sure" Carter said getting up from his chair bringing it over to the boys's table, and I did the same but before I sat down Jaden got up and hugged me. "Where's the rest of sway?" I asked sitting down. "Wait this is sway" Carter whispered to me. Oh shit I thought to myself now he knows sway is a group of boys, hopefully he won't make a big deal out of it. At least not here "yeah some of it" I whispered back trying to pretend like I didn't care he knew it was boys "okay" he then said looking like he didn't care. "Well Kio, Ant and Griffin are with their girlfriends" Josh said "and Quinton haven't we seen around very much this last week" Bryce interrupted "he's been hanging out with some new friends and tonight he said he was going out so we shouldn't expect him to be home" Blake continued "but we don't know if he meant date or just hangout" Jaden quickly said remembering me and Quinton has/had a thing going on I'm not really sure since we haven't talked much this week. Not long after we ordered food and then Quinton came in to the restaurant sitting down at a table in the other end of the restaurant. He just sat there alone so I decided to walk up to him "hey guys I gotta use the bathroom real quick" I was getting up walking the direction to Quintons table. But a girl then came and sat down with him. He gave her a kiss on her cheek and then they started talking. Wait he's on a date? But I thought Quinton and I had something special. Is she the reason he's been so busy and acting distant this week? Whatever I don't care. We've only been on one date. I don't wanna be jealous. I ignored them and walked back to the guys. "That was quick" Josh said with a confused face "yeah I guess" I said sitting down. After about 10 minutes we decided it was time to leave. We got up and I then made eye contact with Quinton who had noticed us. He looked guilty. I just looked the other way and left.


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