That Fucking Bitch

Start from the beginning

Jo's pov

I got up early after being up half the night worried about how my parents reacted to the news of my engagement and pregnancy. Kat said they were pissed and wanted me to come home immediately. Yeah that's not going to happen. That fucking bitch Sierra no wait Sienna fucking ruined everything by announcing to the tabloids about me and Hero's relationship. I wanted to take Hero to visit Perth and show my parents how happy we were. Now they find out I'm pregnant and engaged after only knowing Hero for 5 months. I know it's fast but I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and me meeting Hero and falling in love so hard so fast was no coincidence. Getting pregnant wasn't planned but the way he supported me and showed me he loves me and our baby was one of the happiest moments in my life. I decide to head to Jamie's office to find out where that model Sienna was I know she works for the same agency as Hero so he shouldn't have a problem tracking her down for me. When I'm heading to his office my mind is racing at how I am going to handle this situation. All of a sudden I get jolted my face hitting the steering wheel I turn around and see a black car has hit me as the driver gets out he runs to my car he opens the door as I am in a daze he says "I'm calling an ambulance now mam are you ok?" "I'm pregnant" I cry out holding my stomach. "Oh my God she's pregnant please hurry" he screams into the phone. A policeman arrives and asks the man some questions and a minute later an ambulance comes and the paramedics take me over to it. "Your pregnant right Ms. Langford how far along are you" the paremedic asks me who I can see is named Suzy from her name tag. "I don't know yet" I say crying. "It's ok hun is there anyone we can call for you" she asks me. "Hero I need Hero" I cry out. "Ok love what's his number" she says. I look in my purse and see my phone isn't in it. "I need my phone I don't remember his number" I tell her. She tells her partner to grab my phone he runs to grab it after he brings it back to me he hands me it and I go to call Hero only to see it's dead. This is fucking great just add this to all the things that can go wrong today. I just pray my baby is ok please lord just keep my baby safe. We ride along in the ambulance as Suzy checks my blood pressure and wipes the blood off my forehead. "You have a slight bump and bruise from where your head hit but you'll be fine" she says asuringly. After I get into the hospital a nurse comes in with a Dr. "Hi I'm Dr. Tessier and this is Nurse Rachel we will take care of you today" he says introducing himself and her to me. Nurse Rachel wheels in a machine and Dr. Tessier grabs a piece off of it as he does he says "lift your shirt up a little miss Langford so we can check the baby." I do as he says and expose my belly the nurse grabs a bottle and says "this may be cold dear" as she squirts some jelly like substance on my belly. Damn that is cold. The Dr. spreads the wand over my belly spreading the jelly around. I stare at the screen when all of a sudden I see a little head and hands I gasp at the picture before me. "Can I have a copy?" I ask the Dr. "Sure we can even type a little message if you want" he says smiling. "How about Hi Daddy I love you" I say smiling. "Sounds perfect and the baby looks perfect too so far it has a healthy heart beat and your measuring around 8 weeks along. I need you to have a follow up with me or someone else by Monday ok. Also you have a slight lump and bruise on your face it should go down on it's own just use ice and if you want I can give you some pain medicine" he says to me. "No I'm fine I don't need anything for the pain" I tell him. "Ok then let's get you home yeah" he says handing me my discharge papers and my follow up appointment. I have the front desk call an Uber for me thank God they have a ride program through the hospital so I had no problem getting home. As soon as I open the door I see Hero pacing the floor he turns around and looks at me like he's pissed off but then his face drops and he runs towards me saying "what the hell Josephine are you ok?" As he tilts my chin to examine my face his brows knit together in concern I say "I was just in a car accident Hero" and start to cry. "What where were you going?" He asks me. Oh you know just on my way to have Jamie hunt down that fucking bitch Sienna so I could smack her face in that's all. But I give him the watered down version and say "I needed to see Jamie to get this situation handled" I cry again. "Are you ok? Is the baby ok? Why didn't you answer me when I called? He blurts out all these questions at me. "I'm fine, the baby is fine and I didn't answer my phone because I was being treated by a paramedic and my phone was in the car" I cry out. I tell him by the time I got my phone it was dead and I couldn't remember anyone's number by heart. He cries saying he should of been with me and leads me over to the couch as he runs to grab me an ice pack. He pulls my legs up and begins to massage my legs and calves. Oh my God that feels so good. We talk about how he is trying to distract me from the pain and I tell him it's working. I grab the ultrasound picture and he asks me "what's that?" I hand it to him and watch as his eyes tear up as he has the hugest smile on his face he grabs me in a hug and he says "that's our baby boy." I laugh and say "your so sure it's a boy." "100%" he says tickling me. I tease him that we can find out in 3 months since the Dr. told me I'm already 8 weeks along. Then he says he already knows so I mock him saying "ok shore shore." He tells me I'm going to pay for that so I say hero I'm in pain I need rest he tells me he's sorry because I always consume him and carries me up to bed. When we get there I pull him down towards me and he says "baby your in pain" kissing me gently. I smirk as I remove my shirt revealing my red lace bra and then my shorts next. He stares at me his mouth wide open as his eyes glaze over with lust. "Fuck" he says as he takes in my body. "Yes fuck me" I say grabbing his joggers and pulling them down in one swift motion his length springs out and I grab it and start to pump up and down as I lick and suck him he groans. I pull him out of my mouth and smile as I slide my panties off. "I want to try it sideways" I say as he climbs into the bed. "Fuck ok yeah" he says. I lay on my side as he grabs my legs spreading them apart he takes his dick and teases my slit with it and then thrusts  inside of me slowed we both moan at the satisfaction. He continues to thrust inside me as we both moan and groan at the pleasure. He grips my ass and hips as he groans out "you feel tighter like this." "Mmmm" I moan out not being able to gather any words at this moment. "Fuck baby cum with me" he groans as he continues his tortoureus pace I pant out "faster" and he starts to thrust faster inside me as I rub my clit I feel the fire in the pit of my stomach and my legs begin to shake. "I love you so much" he groans as I feel his seed spread inside me we both ride our high out together. We lay there panting trying to catch our breathes. He pulls out of me and pulls me closer as he moves my hair off my face I say "I love you Hero" as I run my fingers through his hair. He gets up to get us a wet towel to clean off with after we do we get dressed and Hero tells me he's starving and asks me if I want anything to eat. I tell him I'll make it for us but he insists. Can he even cook anything besides breakfast? I go downstairs and hop on the couch Diesel jumps on and snuggles close to me as I pet him I say to him "your going to be a big brother in 7 months." He looks at me wagging his tail and then barks making me laugh. Hero pokes his head in and says "what's so funny love." "Just Diesel being so adorable" I say to him. He smiles and heads back into the kitchen. My mouth waters as I start to smell garlic and seasoning coming from the kitchen. I walk in and Hero is just setting the plates down. "It smells amazing in here" I say to him giving him a kiss. "I hope you like it" he says shyly. I take a bite and it's delicious. He made a glazed chicken with garlic and rosemary, rice pilaf and seasoned green beans. "Mmm so good" I moan. He smirks at me as he eats so I say "what?" "Nothing love" he says shaking his head. "No mister I know you better than that so spill" I say sternly. "It's just that you make the same noises when you eat as you do when we make love" he says chuckling. "So I can't help it that's the best parts of life food and sex" I say giggling. He laughs and we continue to talk and eat. When we are done we take Diesel to the park and spend the rest of the day there. We grab a pizza on the way home and as soon as we get in I hear Mercy yelling "what the fuck Felix who is she?" "She's no one I haven't even replied to her texts" he says nervously. Mercy storms out of Felix's room and sees us she comes running over to me and starts crying as I grab her and pull her in for a hug. "What happened to your face?" She cries out. "I was in a car accident but I'm fine and so is the baby. Are you ok?" I ask her. Before she can answer me Felix comes out and looks like he's holding back tears as he says "please Mercy you need to trust me." She spins around and scoffs "trust you when you have random bitches texting you at all hours of the night that's hilarious." "What the fuck mate are you serious" Hero says getting mad. "Hero mate listen they are old chicks who won't accept I'm in a relationship now. You of all people should know what that's like" Felix says pleadingly. I turn to Mercy and say to her "listen to him Mercy don't make the same mistake I always do and jump to conclusions." "Fine let's go talk" she huffs and her and Felix head back into their room. "If he cheated on her I'll kill him" Hero says grabbing my hand. "I don't think he did though" I say seriously. "For his sake I pray your right" he says kissing me. We eat our pizza and head upstairs to bed. "Let's take a relaxing bath together" he says guiding me towards the bathroom. He fills the tub up and adds some bubbles to the water. He gets undressed and I admire his body he looks at me smiling as he says "done gawking yet love." "I was not" I say giggling. "Shore you weren't" he says laughing as he climbs into the tub I get undressed and follow him as I lay my head back against his chest he rubs my shoulders as I lean into him my eyes close as I moan from the pleasure of his hands working their magic on my sore muscles. We wash up and get dressed for bed as he kisses me and tickles me in between getting our clothes on. I hop into the bed and Diesel jumps up and lays in Hero's spot I giggle as Hero gives him a dirty look and says "hey man that's my spot and my girl so move it buster" as he scoots Diesel to the end of the bed. He jumps in and I snuggle into him as he wraps his arms around me he gives me a kiss on the top of my head and says "Jamie handled everything I called him while I was cooking." "What's he going to do?" I ask him nervously. "He's going to put out a statement asking everyone to please give us our privacy and respect our wishes to disclose any information when we are ready to do it" he says. "Ok sounds good and what about that fucking bitch Sienna" I ask him. "Oh I already handled that too love" he says chuckling. I move and sit up saying "what do you mean by handled it?" "I called our agency and told them what she did. We have a firm NDA we sign when we get hired and she broke it so she got fired today" he says smiling. "And your just telling me this now" I say annoyed. "Babe you were in a fucking car accident today she was the last thing on my mind" he says pulling me back down to lay on his chest. "Your right I love you Hero" I say giving him a kiss under his chin. "I love you Jo so much and our baby boy" he says snuggling me closer. We fall asleep wrapped in each other's arms. I have a dream of Hero whose holding a baby boy who is absolutely perfect he has greyish-green eyes, dirty blonde hair the cutest dimples and is the perfect combination of me and Hero. He's perfect in every way. God I love them so much they are too perfect for me but I'm too selfish to let them go.

Author's Note
Wow this one was longer I did 4,048 words pretty happy with that and hope you guys liked it. Don't forget to hit that ⭐ please and thank you. Til next time Much Love Tina 😘

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