The Dream

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Slywolfy(yeah I know I said I was running out of ideas but thus just popped in my head and I thought hey this would be good for the next chapter.

At 3am Sam woke up in his bed at home and looked to see if Colby was next to him but he wasn't. "Was it just a dream no it couldn't be it felt so real," Sam said to him self. Sam yelled for Colby. A few seconds later Colby opened the door. "Yeah Sam" Colby said in a sleepy voice. "Can you lay with me I had a bad dream," Sam lied knowing he just wanted Colby next to him. "Sure I guess" Colby said as he shut the door and got into bed with Sam. "Thank you Colbs" Sam said as he layed his head on Colbys chest getting really close. Colby blushed saying "yeah anytime Sammy". "So it wasn't a dream it was real or was it a dream" Sam thought to himself. Sam looked at Colby and Colby looked at Sam. "C-Colbs I love you" Sam says before falling asleep. "I love you too Sam" Colby says as he gently kisses Sams head goodnight and falling asleep with Sam in his arms.

Two hours later 5am

Sam woke up and sat up holding his head in pain.

Colby woke up and sat up holding Sam from behind. "Are you okay Sammy" Colby asks as he draws small circles on the smaller boys back. "Yeah I'm fine just have a small headache" said the small boy. "Want me to get you asprin" Colby says as he goes to get up from the bed. Sam responds quickly "n-no I'm good mabye I just need more sleep I mean I did wake up pretty early in the morning".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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