Chapter 29. The Opposite Of Hate

Start from the beginning

Talia was as surprised as I was when she saw me sitting by the pond. It was the first time in days that we have seen each other. She looked like a mirage. The stuff of my dreams. I noticed her hesitation. It was like she wanted to turn around and go back from where she came from, but something stopped her. Talia walked briskly to me. I stood up in welcome, not knowing what to say to her.

She stopped a foot or so from me. "You look thinner," she said, frowning while checking me out. "Didn't they feed you properly? I should talk to the head maid to give you the best food."

"So you think I'm ugly now?" I gave her a look that said I was offended, though I was only kidding. "And to think I used to be a model."

Talia rolled her eyes. "Don't be silly. You're still the most gorgeous girl. You just look like you've lost weight that's all." She raised her hand, as if she wanted to reach out. She didn't. "Well you should eat more Cybele."

"We have a saying in England that goes like this." I put on my British accent. "Don't get your knickers in a twist."

Talia burst out laughing. It was the first laugh I heard from her in a while, or anyone for that matter. It made me feel warm inside. Less dead. "And what does that mean?"

I moved forward so we were only inches apart. "It means you shouldn't get worked up princess." The wind blew, bringing with it her lavender scent that I missed. To touch her would be heaven right now. I raised my hand, wishing to do so.

"Don't," she said before my hand made contact to her face. "You'll only make it harder for both of us."

"Do you not love me anymore?" I asked, my heart weakening as the seconds tick.

"I didn't say that," she murmured, locking gaze with me.

"Then why are you getting married to Lance?"

"Because it's for the best Cybele." She sounded frustrated, like the answer was right in front of me, yet I couldn't grasp it. "You're brilliant. Why can't you figure it out?" Talia turned to move away. I grabbed her arm, not allowing her to escape, moving her closer to me so we were a breath away.

"When it comes to you, my judgment becomes clouded Talia. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I have lost all sense of reason. Tell me what I can do so you won't marry anyone but me," I begged. "Please princess. . . You're all I can think of. You've ensnared me with those grey eyes and that lovely smile. Can't you see? I'm not me anymore. I'm going crazy."

I moved closer, desiring to kiss Talia, to claim her like I've always had. She turned her face away just as our lips were about to touch. "I can't," she said sadly, almost choking on her own words. "I. . . Please stay away from me Cybele. It's for you own good. Just think of me as dead." Talia struggled to release herself from my grip, but I didn't let her.

"Don't do this to me Talia," I pleaded. "I've lost everything. You're all that I have."

"Don't you understand? I don't love you anymore," she said angrily, pulling her arm away. This time, I willingly let her go, my heart beginning to bleed again. "I don't love you okay?" she repeated, trying hard not to cry herself. "Why can't you just accept that? I'm marrying Lance in a few weeks. We're going to have our own family."

"You're just saying those things so I'd hate you. But that will never happen. I'll always feel the same way I did when we were little girls."

 I pointed to ground, my finger shaking. "Do you know what this place is? This is where we shared our first kiss. You may not remember it because we were young, but the taste of your lips still lingers in my mouth. How can you ask me to accept the fact that you're marrying another person?" I took a lungful of air. It still felt like I was drowning. "It should have been me exchanging vows with you."

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now