Percy's P.O.V

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What is it with these shield guys? I mean one waited till after my school ended and was in a tree! I think I just should go talk to them, maybe get them off the Idea I am someone worth their interest.

I'm starting to think of ways of how to get them off my back when they all surround me and take aim with all their weapons. Pfff!  Like those were weapons compared to the weapons me and the other Seven had used in the war against the giants. . . and Gaea. The ground start to turn black as, well does the sky and I land on the concrete and then am pulled back into a flashback. 

I see when my wise girl died and when I found my parents dead multiple times, over and over and over, until I'm on the brick of madness that's when my body decides that is enough punishment for today and slowly but surely bringing me out of my flashback. 

When I wake I see a bright shining light on me and -of course- am blinded by it. Once I can see again I look around and see that I'm in a recovery room. Mph, guess they took me to a hospital in exchange for questions. When the door opens and the whole team thing they are and see me awake. 

One dude I haven't seen yet a lab guy comes over and checks the bleeps and bloops machine, while the others stay at the door. "Yo, Bruce you done yet?" the flag man says. "Just a moment-and done!" the lab guy says. Wonder if they are going to ask me anything? "So Perseus-" the lab guy starts. "Percy. . . I go by Percy." I say. "Okay, Percy have you been hurt before?" "Yes and I have almost have died." "Oookay." Bruce says. "Anything else?" he asks me. "Too much to count." I reply. "okay now lets take off your shir-- " "NO! The shirt stay on!"  I interrupt. "Its coming off." Bruce says. "Fine, just make it quick okay?" I plead. "Okay." He takes off my shirt and everyone starts to scream. 

Sorry about the updating and the being slow. Now stay tune for the next chapter! 

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