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January 14, 2020

The past week went by fast. It consisted of getting picked up by the boys, going to school, heading home with them to either work on homework together or playing video games, and then going home. Hueningkai and I finished our presentation 2 days ago and today is the day we are going to present. If I am being completely honest I'm nervous. 

I was sitting in math, just rereading our notes to understand the lesson. Mr. Kang isn't bad at teaching, I just don't comprehend everything that comes out his mouth. I gaze towards the clock. 8:45 am it flashes. I sigh knowing there is 20 min left of class. I give up on the math lesson, hoping Yeonjun can just help me with it after school. I pack up the lesson and take out my history notes for the presentation, however, my mind wanders to the boy who is presenting with me. Hueningkai has been filling up my mind for some time now. He isn't that stuttering, shy boy when I first met him.

*Ring ring* 

I look up to the clock flashing 9:05 am. I stuff my notes into my bag while my friends walk up to me. I just nod signaling I'm ready to leave. I ended up walking my friend to art to kill time before presentations. I walk into the room to finish up the conversation, to see the boy I used to talk to before he started flirting with my friend, Carter. I found out from lots of people in their class and ended up just dropping him, poor boy didn't know why I stopped wanting to talk. I just didn't want to be second choice or used for show just like Kaden did to me. He made eye contact with me and I smiled, but he just turned away, don't blame him though. I turn to my friend telling her Im heading to class and that I'll see her at lunch. I felt that boy's gaze on me as I left the classroom.

I walk into history a second before the bell rang. 

"Well guess who decided to risk being tardy on presentation day." Taehyun said as I sat my bag down.

"I wouldn't have procrasinated into the room if it wasn't for Huennie and I presenting today." I snapped back as I slumped into my chair. 

Hueningkai was going over the notes for the presentation while using the Chromebook in front of him to click the slides. I stared at him admiring his features. I never realized how cute he was. His head shot up and I looked out the window and acted like I wasn't staring at him. I hear Elijah and Taehyun chuckle behind me, while a faint pink blush appears on my cheeks.

It was finally our turn to present, I would be lying if I said that my heart did not just increase. Huennie just stands up and heads to the front, while for me I'm grabbing notes to read off of and my laptop. I  was so nervous, I look and Huenning to nod and reassure me we will do great. I talk a second before I start to speak. 

We finished our presentation and they just did one huge clap for us before we headed to our seats. I slump into my seat and let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. Hueningkai looked at me and just smiled. I smile back and turn myself back to the front to listen to the other presentations.

*ring ring* 

"ughh finally I haven't been so happy to get out of history class." I say as I turn to Huennie still packing.

"Oh hey! y/n I am heading to your homeroom so Beomgyu can help me with my English." 

"Yay! We can walk to homeroom together." I say while we head out into the hall. Taehyun smiles and walks off to his homeroom. 

As Hueningkai and were walking to homeroom, I turn to see Carter walking behind us, I forgot his homeroom was 3 rooms down. 

"Hey new kid, don't get too comfortable with her. One minute you are completely heads over heels in love with her and she would just leave you like that." Carter says while snapping his fingers....

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