After a moment, the door to the gym busted open and a bunch of guys in tight black t-shirts with huge muscles started walking in. What the hell is going on? I waited after eight huge looking guys came in and then my heart almost stopped when the next guy was pushed in, blind folded, hands tied behind his back, bruised and beaten badly. Jason. I clenched my jaw when I seen Jax come in in his suit and my eyes flew to his hands. His knuckles were red and I'm assuming he's the one who laid hands on Jason. 

I walked forward immediately as the guys that came in before, stood around on the outside of the ring. Jax pushed Jason further and he fell to the floor, on his knees, facing me, in front of J.D. and Jack. 

"Jason!" I hopped over the ropes and landed on the floor on my feet. Before I could take another step, two of the huge guys around the ring held me back, gripping my upper arms hard as hell. I struggled against them but it was no use. 

"Skylar." Jason said in a small, relieved and tired voice. 

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, looking down at him. The sight of him made me want to cry. He looked really bad and in need of the hospital. I looked up at J.D. with the same amount of hatred I've had for him since day one. "Let him go. He has nothing to do with this!" I pleaded and commanded at the same time, my voice faltering a little. 

J.D.'s smirking was pissing me off. "Oh now that's where you're wrong, my dear Skylar. He has absolutely, everything to do with this." J.D. said. He walked on the side of Jason and looked down at him . The look in his eyes not even close to being friendly. "You left me," He said slowly.  "for this piece of shit." J.D. said calmly and then kneed Jason in the mouth. I tried to move again but strong hands gripped me harder, halting my any further movements. J.D. sniffed and wrinkled his nose and stepped on the other side of Jason.  Jason grunted and leaned forward, spitting out blood. I winced, my heart pounding loudly. 

"A small town boy..." J.D. said, trailing off and shaking his head. And J.D. punched Jason across the jaw hard right as Jason was sitting up. More blood came out of Jason's mouth and I felt tears spring to my eyes. 

"Stop!" I screamed. A tear escaped my eye. I kept my eyes on Jason who was on the floor, the side of his head against the pavement of the gym. 

"What is this?" I heard J.D. ask, surprise in his voice.  I just kept looking at Jason, feeling helpless and extremely vulnerable. He wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me. 

My view of Jason was cut off by a white collared suit and then I felt a hard hand on my chin, forcing my gaze up. J.D. was staring intently into my eyes, his eyebrows knitted together. He looked at me for a long moment and then let go of me abruptly, stepping back. 

"You're crying." J.D. stated. 

J.D.'s only seen me cry once and that was my first or second year with him. After that, all feelings inside of me were frozen over. Or so I thought. 

J.D. put a hand to his mouth, and started pacing on front of me. He put his hands on his hips. I looked down at Jason, everything in me was dying to reach out to him. But suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my face and it took me a moment to realize J.D had slapped me. I could taste the blood in my mouth. I looked at J.D. who was staring impassively at me. He had stopped pacing but I could see his hands twitching at his sides. He was angry. 

"You fell in love with this boy?!" J.D. demanded. But he already knew the answer. And to confirm my thoughts, J.D.'s hand came flying across my face and my head snapped to the left. My right cheek was throbbing. 

"Skylar!" Jason said in a strained and concerned voice. It was like he was trying to yell it or something.

"Shut up!" J.D. snarled and turned around to kick Jason in the gut. Jason groaned in pain and coughed. 

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