Would It Be Okay ?

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Dan stood in the hallway, leaning against one of the pillars with a cup of steaming coffee in his hands; black and bitter. Just how he liked it. No emo pun intended.

He didn't realise what he was doing at first, not until he looked away to take a quick sip of the hot liquid. It was only until he looked up once more did Daniel found himself eyeing the object in question once again.

The guitar was proudly propped up in the corner of their living room, this time making use of the wooden stand that was provided. The drawn curtain by the nearby window allowed a ray of golden sunshine to come in contact with the wooden instrument making it appear glowing angelically. The shimmering golden patterns on the side of the guitar didn't help the matter as the light made it sparkle all the more magical. It was like something that came out of a fairy tale one would say.

It had been a week since the trio received the mysterious package which was nonetheless surprising to see, even now as it stood in their living room. Stephen took it upon himself to phone both Jay and his brother the next day, asking about the guitar. In which both truthfully declined the accusation, their excuse being that they would never spend way too much money on a little prank. Gavin even added in call, that pranks were supposed to be for temporary inconvenience, not of as a full blown expensive gift.

Especially, if the object in question was in as great condition as it had been described. They were still students after all. Money did not come easy for any of the boys sake, whether they liked to admit it or not.

This led to the three to presume that Lady Luck had been merciful and gracious to provide such a marvelous present for them.

Well, more like for Daniel at least.

It had also been a week since the man's recent meltdown, which let on to him admitting his enochlophobia to both of his closest companions. He had never intended to out himself like that, especially in such a sad state. Hell, he never liked admitting it aloud to himself.

Needless to say, he was ever so grateful that the two had never mentioned the incident since. He was positive he would've probably buried himself 6 feet under, alive, if they ever did any time soon.

Both Stephen and Hosuh made a solemn vow not to bring the subject up unless they strictly had permission from the man in question in order to spare his pride.

It was almost funny really.

While the comments were left unsaid, both of his housemates had found the view to be quite hilarious with how content their friend looked at the instrument.

"He's silently simping " was the phrase Stephen had chosen to use whenever they saw their green haired friend observing the instrument. To think there were people who seemed to be so absorbed in a certain object. It was like watching a cat spying on those red dot lasers, ready to pounce.

Obviously, they were very much aware of Dan's anxiety to play while others were watching so they tried their best to stay out of his vision whenever they noticed him finiking with the strings in hopes to hear some sweet melody being played throughout the house. Sadly, that moment had yet to happen.

Daniel let out a dissatisfied sigh at his patheticness. He thought he was better than this. To get so easily distracted just from the mere sight of the instrument. For a whole week, the man had just been enjoying the presence of the wonderfully crafted guitar without making any moves once so ever to play it.

Would You Laugh ? ( Danplan )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon