
Adam and I appeared at Tony's dorm room and knocked at the door. "What part of 'do not disturb' are you having trouble with" Tony asked us. "The Chicago PD part" I say and make my way inside. "Us cops who heard that apparently you're the guy to talk to" Adam said. "About what" Tony asked. "About your buddy Tyler right here" I say and show him a picture of Tyler's dead body. "I met him at a party I DJ'd. I didn't know him that well" Tony said. "Really? Then why you been calling him day and night" Adam asked. "He did a little work for me at the parties, providing refreshments" Tony said. "Refreshments? Really" I ask. "Okay, it's not like that. I'm talking beer" Tony said.

"Tony, please. Don't act as stupid as that haircut makes you look. You guys were running dope together. Right" Adam asked. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a Phi Beta Kappa honor student, and I've got a chem midterm on Friday, so if you don't mind" Tony said.  "Let me guess what happened. Tyler wanted a little bit bigger cut, right? So you take a baseball bat and crack him in the head with it" Adam said.

"Hey, Officer, do you mind if I grab my wallet? I don't want you, you know, shooting me as I reach for it" Tony said to me. "I should slap you upside your head for calling me an officer when my badge, which you can clearly see since it's attached on my hip, says that I'm a detective. However, I'm going to let it slide. Go ahead and grab your wallet" I say. Tony walked over to his desk, grabbed his wallet, and pulled a business card from it, handing it to Adam. "Yeah, any more questions, contact my lawyer" Tony said. "Wow, you have one on retainer" Adam said. "Yeah, this conversation's over" Tony said. "For now" I say.

A bit later, we got a hold of the dealer who was supposedly putting fentanyl into his drugs. His "name" was Red, and Voight and Al were currently interviewing him. "So how's everything going with Johnny" Adam asked me. "Good. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw him. I mean, don't get me wrong, you, Jay, and Antonio are great partners, but he was my very first partner when I became a detective, and I've learned a lot from him. He's amazing" I say. "That means you're going to date him, right" Adam asked. I shrugged and set my feet on top of my desk. "I don't know. We're really good friends, and I don't want to ruin what we have. I mean, look what happened between Jay and I" I say. "But you and Jay are still friends" Adam said. "Yeah, but we're not as close as we used to be. I have to think about how I want to move forward with this for a few more days, but when I decide, I'll let you know" I say.

Red gave us the name Scoot, who was the drug dealer. He had a boat, which Antonio and Adam checked out, and the GPS showed that it stopped in Michigan and Canada. There was also a huge gash in the side of said boat, which made a few thinks click into place. "High-speed impact would be consistent with blunt force trauma to our vic. So I think the owner of the boat is the one bringing the fentanyl in from Canada" Jay said to Voight just as Erin walked into the bullpen. "I just got the test results back from ISP. Technically, it's not fentanyl" she said. "What" I ask. "Apparently the manufacturer's altered molecules so that this stuff wouldn't be on the U.S. government's controlled substance list. Until it's activated, it's basically baby powder" Erin said. "So we don't have a case" Voight asked. Erin shook her head.


"Hey, Ln. Can you bring this guy upstairs? He needs to speak to Halstead" Platt said while I had my back facing her. "Uh, sure, but I don't think Jay is expecting anyo-" I cut myself off as I turned around and saw Will standing a few feet away. "Hey, Yn. You're looking amazing, as always" Will said and smiled at me. "Will! What are you doing here" I ask and hug him. "I wanted to talk to Jay for a sec before I have to get back to work" Will said. "All right. I'll take you upstairs. Follow me" I say.

I unlocked the gate, and brought Will upstairs where everyone was working on the case. "Just in case he looks different from when you saw him earlier, he's the brooding one sitting over there" I say and point to where Jay was sitting at his desk. "You never fail to make me smile" Will said and side hugged me, placing a kiss on my head. Will and I had grown close while I was dating Jay, and I saw him as an older brother now. "Jay, you've got a visitor" I say to alert him of Will's presence. Jay looked up from his desk, and when he saw Will, he gestured for him to make his way to the other side of the bullpen. "We'll talk later, yeah" Will asked me. "Of course" I say and playfully shove him towards his brother.

Right after Will left the bullpen, Antonio stood up from his desk. "Sarge, the boat's owned by John and Christie Fitzgerald. They're a well-connected Chicago couple who made a good chunk of change in construction" he said. "I just checked with Customs. As of three days ago, they've been on vacation in Italy" Erin said. "Any border crossing to Canada" Voight asked. "None" she replied. "But their son, Scott, attends Central Chicago U. He goes by 'Scoot.' He and Tony Chin were in Chem 1 together" Al said. "All right, Mouse, get me a nexus on the phone records for him, Tony Chin, and Tyler. And have patrol pick this Scoot up and bring him in here. I want to talk to that guy" Voight said.

We all looked towards Mouse, but he didn't move. "You not wanting to be here isn't going to work either, Mouse. You want to stay, then do your job. You don't want to stay, that's a separate conversation" Voight said. "I've done my job. I've done my job since the day I got here. I busted my ass for you. I never once asked for overtime, and all I'm asking for is a favor, a favor so that maybe I can live my life the way that I'd like to" Mouse said. "Don't go out like this, Mouse. You've come too far" Voight said and headed into his office.

Mouse and Jay then headed into the break room, and I could see them having a heated discussion. I glanced at Erin, who met my gaze. "Do you want to handle that, or should I" I ask her. "I've got it" she said and walked into the break room, sending Mouse back to his desk soon after. "Don't worry, Mouse. Jay will soon learn to understand why you want to go back to the army, and when he does, he'll be happy for you" I say to him.


"Walter Ng. Hardcore crime boss in Chinatown. Alleged to be in everything from prostitution to high-stakes gambling" Antonio said. "He's been identified as the source of the fentanyl coming into Chicago by Scoot, so he is responsible by coercion for Tyler's death" Voight added. "His operation's slick. The modified fentanyl originates in China and gets shipped to Ng's connect in Blind River, Ontario. Our boy Scoot, he zips up from the marina. Tony Chin brings a couple of college kids to mule it down' Antonio said. "The Marine unit says they put oxygen tanks and a GPS in weighted backpacks along with the dope. If the Coast Guard rolls up, they dump the bag, come back later that night, press a button, and boom. The backpack floats to the surface" Adam said.

"Then from Canada, they head here, south of Mackinaw City, Michigan. They stop to refuel at Rowley's Bay. Then down into Chicago" Antonio said. "Where Scoot gives the drugs to Red and several other scumbag dealers, and they sell it to kids on the street" Jay said. "We can't touch Ng though because he's modifying the chemistry of the fentanyl" I say. "Yeah, but as soon as he processes it here in Chicago, we can hit him with calculated criminal drug conspiracy and accessory to murder" Voight said. "Any word on why he allows himself to be called Scoot" Adam asked curiously. "None yet" Voight replied. "Yo, Sarge, you've got to see this. Scoot made contact" Kevin said.

That night, we sent Scoot in undercover to get us close to Ng. However, Ng never showed up, but we had to move in so that the drugs couldn't get to the public. Inside of the drug lab was someone I had met early, Tony Chin. "He, Tony. Remember me. I thought you said you had nothing to do with this whole thing, but by the looks of it, you are. You know, you can get extra jail time for lying to the police. Voight, you want to deal with him" I ask and pull him off of the floor. "Yeah. You get the rest of these guys out of here. Kevin and I will handle him" Voight said as Kevin took Tony from me. "Have fun, Tony. Oh, and just so you know, these guys aren't going to be as nice as me" I say.

Because we couldn't connect Ng to the case, we had to pin everything we had on Tony. Now, since the case was over, it was time for me to head home. "Ln, you've got a visitor" Platt said and gestured behind me. I turned around and saw Johnny sitting down. As soon as he saw me, he stood up. "Hey, Johnny. What are you doing here" I ask. "I wanted to see if you wanted to go out for a late dinner or something" Johnny said. "Actually, I'm kind of in the mood for some beer. There's a great bar that all of us go to called Molly's, and I'd really love to bring you there" I say. Johnny smiled. "That sounds great. Send me the address and I'll meet you there. First beers are on me" Johnny said.

At Molly's, we were all saying goodbye to Mouse. "I'm really going to miss you" I Mouse. "I'm going to miss you too. Hey, can you do me a favor when I'm gone" Mouse asked. "Of course. Anything" I say. "Make amends with Jay. You guys were great friends before you started dating, and I want to make sure someone has his back" Mouse said. "You've seem to forgotten that he's got Erin" I remind him. "Yn" Mouse said. "Okay, fine. I'll make sure Jay and I become good friends again" I say. "Great. I'm really going to miss this place" Mouse said. "Well, we'll all be waiting for you whenever you decide to come back. Don't forget that" I say.

Partners in Crime; A Jay Halstead FanficWhere stories live. Discover now