When the washing machine develops a fault

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So,I was the last person to use the washing machine and afterwards it had a fault and here's what my mum has to say or do about this.
Mum:Phayth,what happened to the washing machine?
Me:Mum,I finished washing my clothes and when l came to put yours in it didn't wash.
Mum:What do you mean by "it didn't wash" don't allow me to slap you,mtchewww. So now go into my room bring my clothes and wash them for me,especially the white ones make they shine bright.
Me:Mummy na I haven't finished my chores yet and l have loads of assignments to do(I come up with excuses that l pray she believes because firstly I am not lying and secondly I don't want to wash them).
Mum:Come on will you go and get my clothes to wash, after all you were the one that spoilt it so take responsibility for your actions.
Me:But l di...
Mum:Don't waste my time,my friend will you go and get my clothes to wash.
I walk to her room pouting. This is annoying.

I am about rinsing her clothes when she walks in and looks at the clothes l am washing then she shakes her head saying
Mum:Just because I told you to wash my clothes you decided to wash it anyhow abi?  
Me:But mum l am washing it well and its clean
Mum: Lailai,you want to tell me l don't know when clothes are clean or not. You better wash them again and make sure they are clean. Ehen make sure you rinse them well and make sure you spread them well.
She says all this and uses her hands to further emphasize. Now l have been subjected to another hour of washing,thanks to the washing machine😵😵😵

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