|02|Only the beggining

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Hell is empty
all the devils
Are here.

William Shakespeare
I don't remember much after that...
Sensei took me to a hospital
When I woke up they told me...
I had hanahaki disease
A one sided love a rare disease
that slowly kills you.
How pathetic.
There's a surgery
It'll remove all the flowers from my lungs.
The side effect is I won't ever feel the same towards that person again.
I don't want that.
There I sat on the white hospital bed. I hated hospitals ever since my childhood I never want to be in a hospital again. But here I am bucket beside my bed for the flowers I throw up. "Sensei have you heard anything from my mom?" I asked looking at the tired teacher leaning in the hospital chair next to my bed. He shook his head. "Not yet." I sighed and grabbed the TV remote from the edge of my bed. I grabbed it and started playing the cartoon channel.

A few moments later

My mom walked through the door slowly making sure she had the right room. Once she saw me she sprinted and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her eyes were red as if she was crying. "I'm alright." I spoke between tears. "Your teacher told me what happened." She stood up from our hug and wiped the tears from her eyes. "We're getting the surgery." She spoke calmly. Sensei looked at me already knowing my answer. "No.." I spoke ashamed lowering my head. My moms eyes widened as if she didn't believe me. "What?" She stood there in shock. "I don't want to." I raised my head now looking straight at my mom. "Please, This is what I want." The tears my mom held in her eyes flowed down her face. "I already told sensei." I smiled looking over at the teacher. "A-Are you sure?" My mom whimpered out.
I nodded.

Next day school day~

"L/n what happened I didn't see you in class!" Mina jumped around worrying about me. I waved my hand around like trying to shoo a fly away. "I got sick i'm fine now!!" I told her getting a strawberry milk and warm soba from the cafeteria. "I told Izuku I would sit with him today, see ya in training classes!" I waved at Mina before heading to the table Izuku was at.
"Hey Izuku!" I sat down next to todoroki Across from deku. He stared at my warm soba, while I stared at his cold soba. We both scoffed in disgust. I snickered a little seeing him annoyed. "Hey Y/n-chan, where were you yesterday?" Izuku looked at me with pure hearted eyes. "I got sick and sensei made me go home." I blew on my soba and slurped it up. Izuku nodded and continued to eat the rest of his food. "Hey guys I'll be right back." I got up from my seat and skipped over to the table where bakugo was sitting. "Hey Katsukiiii. wanna help me out with some of the 'english homework'?" I winked knowing he knew what I was talking about. He smirked making me smirk. "You know L/n I could always help you with 'english homework' if you want me to." Kaminari winked at me. "Kaminari from the look of your ranking/grades I think you need the help." I giggled. "Ah your right I need your help." kaminari did finger guns at me, which i returned with finger guns also. Bakugo growled at the convo we were having. "K dunce face stop flirting with my friend." Bakugo yelled at kaminari. 'Friend' I felt something come up in my throat. "I better go before my soba gets cold, you know how much I hate cold soba." I coughed a little. I waved off the group before hearing the others tease bakugo. I ran into the girls bathroom. I sat on the bathroom tile next to the toilet seat. I closed my eyes and spit the petals into the toilet. "Who knew flowers could be so Beautiful yet harmful." I sat next to the toilet. I looked in the toilet bowl. The flowers were stained with blood and the water was slowly getting stained red.

"It's ok princess. It's ok." My dad held my hair up while I vomit into the toilet. "Dad when is mom coming home!" Younger me looked up at my dad who was massaging my back and holding up my hair with the other hand. "She's at work right now she'll be back soon." My dad smiled at me. "It'll be alright." My dads voice faded away as I forgot what happened.

End flashback

"L/n? You in there?" I heard a tired voice from the other side of the door? "Sensei? Aren't you in the girls bathroom?" I unlocked the stall door revealing the worried teacher. "Present mic is guarding the entrance. A few girls went to my office telling me there was a sickly girl in the stall." He sighed looking down at me next to the toilet. 'Friend' I kept hearing his voice. Quickly I turned around and spilled the petals into the toilet bowl. "Kid you got to forget about it." Sensei kneeled next to me and held my hair. "Thank you sensei." I looked up at him. He gave a small smile but then quickly changed it. "Are you gonna be alright?" Aizawa Got up after seeing me regain my strength. "Eraser is she alright?!" I heard present mics voice from the entrance. I nodded signalling Aizawa could tell him I was ok. "Yeah!" The tired teacher got up and walked to the entrance. I flushed the bloody petals down the toilet and followed behind my sensei. I saw present mic standing in front of the girls entrance. I walked up to present mic and bowed, "I'm sorry. I caused an interruption." He seemed shocked then waved the apology off. "Go finish your lunch L/n." Present mic Excused me to lunch. I saw them talk while i walked off. I walked to my table where deku and the others looked worried. "Y/n-chan where were you!" Deku saw me take a seat where my, now cold soba sat. "Ah you know the usual just the bathroom." I nervously laughed. "Todoroki want my soba? it got cold while i was away." I nudged they bowl to him. He nodded and took the bowl to where he slurped my cold soba. I drank my strawberry milk.

"What did you tell Kachan?" Deku asked surprising me. "Oh! i asked him to help me with 'english homework." I giggled knowing izuku knew what I meant. "I'm confused what does 'English home work' mean?" Uraraka chirped in the convo curious about what we were talking about. "Kachan me and Y/n-chan used to say we were doing 'english homework' then play minecraft." Izuku giggled remembering Bakugo getting frustrated about getting killed. Lida gasped thinking we were just doing english homework. We then got lectured about lying to our parents on homework.

After school katsuki's house
I knocked on the bakugo's house front door. The door opened to Mitsuki. "Hey Mitsuki!" I hugged her as she welcomed we in. "Katsuki told me you would be here for english homework." She smiled walking me upstairs. I nodded. "Thank you!" I bowed then walked into katsuki's room. "Ready for 'english homework' Katsuki?!" I threw my bag at the door and jumped on his bed.

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