iii. The End of the World

Start from the beginning

PA: Shields malfunctioning. Shields malfunctioning.

Nevermind. Spoke too soon. I'll just keep my mouth shut then. Rays of sun blast through the cracks, making Rose scream and me flinch as it burns holes in parts of the walls that they hit. I scream as one of the rays hits close to where we both are standing.

PA: Earth Death in nine... eight... seven... six

I look at Rose and bury my head in her neck. "I love you, Rose," I mutter into her neck.

PA: Four... three

"I love you too, Galaxy," Rose mutters back whilst kissing me on the head again.

PA: One... Exoglass repair. Exoglass repair.

I open my eyes and lift my head off Rose to look at the glass, only to see that it's automatically repairing itself which makes me sigh and slump down to the floor with Rose.


Rose and I enter the Manchester Suite, our hands entwined. I look around the room and see lots of the guests injured or dead; Moxx's hoverchair with a pile of ashes on it. I retract my hand from Rose's and start walking around the room on my own. People are dead and it's someone's fault. I look around the room to see who wasn't here. Cassandra. It was Cassandra's fault. Of course it was. It's obvious that it was a human's fault. Sly and cheeky is what we are but then again, so is everyone else. Doesn't actually matter if you're human or not. Everyone is sly in one way or another. I'm brought out of my thought when I see the Doctor placing his hands on Lute and Coffa's shoulders. I put my hand over my mouth when I realise... Jabe... she didn't make it. I never got to apologise for snapping at her earlier. I didn't realise that our life was precious and everything we did was limited until now. I feel a few tears slip our of my eyes and I then feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I look to my left and see Rose. "You alright?" she asks me. I shake my head. "No. Jabe is dead and I didn't get the chance to apologise. I feel so guilty. I snapped at her and didn't get to apologise and now she's dead," I tell her. Rose rubs my arm and I hug her back. "I'm gonna go and talk to someone in here. Face of Boe or someone else or just think to myself." Rose nods her head and walks over to the Doctor whilst I walk over to the Face of Boe. "Hi," I say to him.

"Hello, kitten," Boe says in my head. The name makes me softly chuckle. "What's wrong?""Nothing. I just feel guilty," I tell him.

"Why?" Boe asks me.

"I yelled at Jabe, one of the trees, earlier and I wanted to apologise but..." I stop talking.

"You can't because she's dead?" he asks which makes me nod my head. "Don't worry. Now, I would go back to your sister and the Doctor before one of them snatch you away." I nod my head. "It was nice to talk to you. I'll see you soon," I tell him.

"I'll see you soon, kitten," Boe tells me. I walk back over to the Doctor and see that he's talking to Cassandra. "And that's enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries. Take my to court then, Doctor! And watch me smile, and cry, and flutter-" the Doctor cuts Cassandra off.

"And creak?" the Doctor asks.

"And what?" Cassandra asks, confused.

"Creak! You're creaking," Rose tells her. It goes quiet for a few seconds and I start hearing Cassandra creaking. Cassandra's skin starts to become tighter and tighter, her eyes become bloodshot whilst her skin gets whiter. "What?" Cassandra shrieks, whilst looking around frantically. "Ah! Ah! I'm drying out! Oh, sweet heavens! Moisturise me! Moisturise me! Where are my surgeons? My lovely boys! It's too hot!" she panics.

"You raised the temperature," the Doctor reminds her coldly, still with a closed off expression. "Have pity. Moisturise me! Oh, Doctor!" Cassandra screams.

"Help her," Rose whispers shakily, reaching out and placing her hand on the Doctor's arm. I glance at him then at Cassandra. I mean, if feel a little pity for her but not a lot. I mean, people have died because of her. "Everything has its time and everything dies," the Doctor says which snaps me out of my thoughts. "I'm... too... young!" Cassandra screams as she explodes and I flinch at the blood and... other thing. I shudder at the thought of everything else. The Doctor stares at her emptyframe emotionlessly before walking out of the room without a word.


PA: Shuttles four and six departing. This unit now closing down for maintenance.

Rose and I are standing in front of the window in the Manchester Suite; everyone is gone apart from us. The Earth is gone, nothing but rocks slowly floating in empty space. "The end of the Earth," Rose whispers. "It's gone and we were too busy saving ourselves, no one saw it go. All those years... all that history and no one even looking... it's just-" her voice cracks and I look down, a few tears streaming down my face. "Come with me," I hear the Doctor say softly to the both of us, holding a hand out to each of us. Rose grabs onto his hand but I hesitate before taking the Doctor's hand. So much pain, knowledge and secrets he holds. He pulls Rose and me to the TARDIS and the three of us enter. I walk up the ramp and jump onto the jump seat.


The Doctor lands the TARDIS and leads me and Rose outside to a modern-day London. "You think it'll last forever," the Doctor says from behind me. "People and cars and concrete... but itwon't... one day, it's all gone... even the sky." He looks up at the night sky and I grab onto his hand. "My planet's gone," he tells us, his voice is barely a whisper. "It's dead... it burned like the Earth... it's just rocks and dust; before it's time..."

"What happened?" Rose asks hesitantly, reaching over and grasping the Doctor's other hand. "There was a war and we lost," the Doctor answers.

"A war with who?" I ask but the Doctor stays silent this time.

"I'm a Time Lord... I'm the last of the Time Lords," he whispers. I wince when he says Time Lords. I grab onto my head then reach down to my necklace and roll the metal between my fingers. "Why does that sound familiar? "They're all gone," the Doctor continues and I squeeze his hand comfortingly. "I'm the only survivor; I'm left travelling on my own because there's no one else..."

"There's me," Rose says wrapping her free hand around his arm. "And me," I smile up at him.

"You've seen how dangerous it is," the Doctor looks between the two of us before continuing. "Do you want to go home?" he asks.

"Nope," I say whist popping the 'p' and he smiles down at me. Rose however looks at him for a few seconds before saying, "I don't know... I want- oh!" The Doctor and I look at her confused as she sniffs the air. "Can you smell ships?" I sniff the air then my stomach growls.

"Yeah!" I beam.

"yeah... yeah!" The Doctor exclaims too.

"I want chips," says Rose.

"Me too," the Doctor states before looking at me. "Galaxy?"

"Same here. I'm starving," I tell them.

"Right then," Rose nods. "Before youget me back in that box, chips it is, and you can pay." she pats the Doctor's chest.

"No money," the Doctor shrugs. I roll my eyes.

"I'll pay for all of us because you two don't have any because you," I say whilst pointing at Rose. "Didn't take any money with you yesterday and you," I say moving my finger to the Doctor. "Don't get paid for saving the world or whatever you do."

"Come on, then, rightward," Rose tells us and the three of us laugh. "We've only got five billion years before the shops close..." I tell them as we walk towards the chip shop.

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