iii. The End of the World

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PA: Sun filters descending. Sun filters descending.

I see Rose sit up straight as she hears this and we both run over to the door and bang on it frantically. "Let us out!" I yell.

PA: Sun filters descending.

"Let us out! Let us out!" Rose yells.

"Anyone in there?" I hear the Doctor ask.

"Let us out!" Rose and I yell together.

"Oh, well, it would be you," says the Doctor.

"No time for sarcasm. Now. Open the door!" I yell at him.

"Hold on! Give us two ticks," says the Doctor. The room starts smoking up and so Rose and I go down onto the floor to keep us from suffocating because of the amount of smoke.

PA: Sun filters descending. Sun filters descending.

PA: Sun filters rising. Sun filters rising.

Rose and I sigh in relief.

PA: Sun filters rising... Sun filters descending.

I groan and bang on the door. "Hurry up will you!" I yell to the Doctor.

"Just what I need. The computor's getting clever," says the Doctor.

"Will you stop mucking about!" both Rose and I yell at him.

"I'm not mucking about!" the Doctor barks back at us and I roll my eyes.

"Open the door," says Rose.

"Hang on!" yells the Doctor. I grab Rose's hand and we run down the stairs and we flatten ourselves on the floor. "The locks melted!" I yell to the Doctor.

PA: Sun filters descending. Sun filters descending.

PA: Sun filters rising. Sun filters rising.

Rose and I run back to the door panting, trying to open it. "The whole thing's jammed. I can't open the doors. Stay there! Don't move!" the Doctor yells at us which makes me roll my eyes again. I feel as if I'm doing this too much because I have met him. "Where're am we gonna go?! Ipswich?!" Rose asks terrified and with a slight hint of sarcasm.

PA: Earth death in five minutes

I turn to Rose and see that she's looking at me. "You alright?" she asks. I sigh and shake my head. "Jabe pushed my buttons. Brought up my real parents. Of course, I don't know them so I snapped. I didn't mean to but she just pushed me so I snapped. It's slightly frustrating because I can't remember anything about my life before I met you and Jackie. A bit annoying, really," I tell her. "Don't worry. Mum and I still haven't stopped looking for information about you before you met us but we can't find any. We'll keep looking. Promise," she says. I smile and rest my head on Rose's shoulder. "Thanks. I'm thankful that you and your mum took me in when I was nine because I don't know what would've happened if you didn't," I tell her.

"Well, I think I speak for both mum and I when I say that we are happy that you came into our lives because they are even better than they were before you came to us," says Rose. I smile and feel Rose kiss the top of my head.


PA: Heat rising. Heat rising. Heat critical. Heat critical.

Rose and I are sweating like mad and we both have to take our jackets off because of how hot it is in the viewing gallery. I look up at the glass and let me say, seeing the glass crack and nothing the sun burning the Earth in about fifteen seconds, I don't feel safe but at least the shields are still working.

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