iii. Galaxy & Rose

Start from the beginning

"That thing down there," Mickey whimpers, clutching onto Rose. "The liquid, it can talk!" he shakes against Rose and I rub his back soothingly.

"You're stinking," I wrinkle my nose at the smell coming off him. "Doctor, they kept him alive!" I beam at the Doctor.

"Yeah, that was always a possibility; keep him alive to maintain the copy," the Doctor waves off, not caring.

"You knew that and you never said?" asks Rose angrily.

"Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you?" the Doctor smirks as Rose's glare hardens. He heads down to the platform just above the Nestene and Mickey, Rose and I stand up and stand by the railings. "Am I addressing the Consciousness?" he asks, making the Nestene wobble. "Thank you," he grins. "If I might observe: you infiltrated this civilisation through warped, shunt technology; so, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, you shunt off?" he asks cheekily which makes me giggle slightly. The Doctor looks up and me and smiles widely but he rolls his eyes when the Nestene garbles and he turns back to it. "Oh, don't give me that, it's an invasion! Plain and simple! Don't talk about constitutional right!" he scoffs and the Nestene rears its head. I blink in shock... it's head? "I... am... talking!" he shouts over the noise, making the Nestene quiet down. "This planet is just starting! These stupid little people have only just learnt how to walk. But they're capable of so much more! I'm asking you on their behalf: please, just go," he pleads with the Nestene. My eyes widen when I see two figures approaching the Doctor.

"Doctor!" I yell. The Doctor looks behind him too late as the figures grab ahold of him. One reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out the tube of blue antiplastic.

"That was just insurance! I was never going to use it!" yells the Doctor but the Nestene wasn't buying it apparently as it garbles angrily. "I was not attacking you! I'm here to help! I'm not your enemy. I swear, I'm not-" he pauses when the Nestene roars. "What do you mean?" he frowns and two doors open to reveal the TARDIS... ok, now this isn't good. That's the Doctor's ship. If he destroys it, then he won't be able to save the rest of the universe and he'll be stuck there. Wait! I just rambled on in my head. Great. Not only am I talking without thinking, but I'm also thinking without thinking. "Oh, oh no, honestly, no! Yes, that's my ship," he admits and the Nestene screeches loudly. "That's not true. I should know, I was there. I fought in the war. It wasn't my fault. I couldn't save my world. I couldn't save any of them."

My heart pangs as he says this but I don't know why I feel so guilty all of a sudden. He must be talking about the Time War. I think. "What's it doing?" Rose yells which make me flinch slightly because I forgot that she and Mickey Mouse were there.

"It's the TARDIS!" the Doctor thrashes against the hold on him by the figures. "The Nestene has identified its superior technology. It's going to final base. It's starting the invasion! Get out, girls! Just leg it! Now!"

"Not bloody likely. I'm not leaving you down there with them things!" I yell back.

"Mum!" I hear Rose yell so I look over at her and see her with her mobile out. "Where are you, mum?" a pause. "Go home! Just go home, right now!" another pause. "Mum! Mum!" she puts her phone back into her pocket.

"Is she going home?" I ask Rose nervously.

"No, she hung up! She's going shopping!" she screeches. Then there's a shudder in the chamber and blue electric currents branch out from the Nestene, going up through the ceiling.

"It's the activation signal! It's transmitting!" exclaims the Doctor.

"It's the end of the world," says Rose.

"Get out, Rose and Galaxy. Just get out!" yells the Doctor.

"Oh, shut the fuck up! I'm not about to leave! The stairs have gone, anyway!" I call down. Rose grabs onto mine and Mickey's hands and drags us to the TARDIS.

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