"this is...beautiful" she said in awe as she admire the view.

"yeah" i whispered softly watching her eyes still glowing.

"why'd you take me here" she asked turning to look at me.

"i don't know, i just felt like it"

"who else did you bring here" she scooted closer to me closing up the gap between us.

i felt myself getting even more nervous as she got close to me. "uhm, actually it's only you and my brother" i turned to look at her but she was already staring at me.

"i assumed something happen to your brother ?" she asked softly.


"you don't have to tell me if you don't feel like it"

"no its fine, i'll have to somehow open up about it either way and besides i'd rather share it with you" i shurgged.

"so uh when i was thirteen, my brother used to bring me here alot and it's become an occasional thing. we'd meet each other here and some the the times we didn't even plan it. ever since he left for the army i couldn't go here without him because it felt different, it's like my whole life i depend on my him and now that he's away i can't really depend on anyone else" i felt myself tearing up so i quickly turned to the corner and wiped away my tears.

rosie put her hands around my shoulder pulling my head to rest on her shoulder while she rubbed my back soothingly.

"one day my mom got a call from my brothers friend..."


"hello ?yes this is she..."

"who is it ?" i asked my mom out of curiousity.

few seconds later i heard a thud and saw my mom on the ground crying hysterically. i watched dad ran in and asked me what's wrong, i shrugged in response still not knowing what was happening.

"hello ? who is this ?" dad said over the phone.

i watched him nod to something that was being said over the phone. soon after he hung up and stared into nothing 

he squatted down to my mom's level. "marissa it's gonna be okay" he reassured as he hugged my mom who was crying loudly.

"what's going on dad ?" he looked up at me and stood up and place his hand on my shoulder before giving me a hug. I could hear him sniff a little which got me a little worried because i've never seen or heard my dad cry.

i went along with it and patted his back as he continue sobbing. he pulled away from me and wiped his tears. He then smiled softly at me."i'm sorry kid" he said shaking his head looking down on the ground.

"what is it dad ?" i asked impatiently.

"your brother"

"why is he okay ?" i asked getting a little worried.

"h-he didn't make it" he sniffed.

as soon as i heard those words, i immediately froze not moving an inch staring into nothing, i was at lost for words. i saw mom stood up and went over to me to give me a hug as well as dad.

"this must've been a mistake, elio is a fighter he said wouldn't leave us" i shook my head in denial.


"i was pretty much in denial for a whole week, when i got myself to believe that he was actually gone, i didn't even eat, sleep, talk to anyone or left my room ever since the funeral." i felt my eyes burning, not caring anymore i let the tears released from my eyes.

𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐀 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now