to be or not to be

22 0 0

Im not sure i even want to be king.
If im chosen my whole life is gonna change. I dont know if im gonna get to see my freinds anymore. Father is always busy. Nonstop no downtime. I like my free time. I like reading in the library with the advisors son Logan. I like walking through the garden with my best freind Dee. I dont enjoy war meetings or party planning..... things my brother just jumps at the chance for. It feels almost like a betrayal to myself to even consider what it would be like to be king. Not that i think father would choose me anyway. My brother has always been his favorite. Mabey i will go ask Logan for advice. He has probably picked up a thing or two from his own parent.
I need to figure out what i wanna do.
I need to decide who i wanna be.

Sandersides: The brothersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin