"im sorry just he is being stubborn and i swear i want to hit him" louis says

"so we still go with the plan" john says

"ohhh yeah he is going to give in, i told him when we met that i would test his patience to the very core and he is going to break" louis says

"i am glad your my client and not my ex wife" john says

"exactly and he is lucky i am not an attorney" louis says laughing

"exactly so lets get you 75% of everything" john says "and dont get mad"

"i dont get mad i get everything" louis says as he starts to laugh

"yeah we know" jay says as they start to laugh and as louis walks back he sees riley hugging harry and Riley looks up and sees louis and smiles and riley hugs Harry again and places a kiss on Harry's lips and that pisses louis off

"john i want 75% of everything his hood rat wants to play fucken games fine 75% and we will see the judge in 2 weeks fucken asshole" louis says with anger

"shit" john says

"ohh yeah he wants to fucken play games they can go fuck themselves" louis says as they walk back into the room

"ok lets proceed" the mediator says


"my client is standing his ground" tony says

"umm ok" the mediator says "john"

"since mr harry styles is not budging my client is going back to the original request of 75% of all assests that were aquired during the marriage and that includes the business and house" john says as harrys eyes get wide and tony grabs hold of harry

"you are being unreasonable" harry yells out

"well you should of taken my first offer but you want to play games well let the games begin we will see who the fuck folds first i have all the fucken time in the world unlike you remember you are paying my attorney and court cost "louis says

"well then i want 75% of your business" harry say

"you cant touch my business because unlike you i had my business before we even met and its in the prenup dumbass" louis says with anger as the mediator looks thru the paperwork

"ohh it is, mr louis tomlinsons business and assests are not part of the marriage assets as mr harry styles has agreed to take full financial responsibilty of the marriage" the mediator says

"ohh for fucks sake" harry yells out as he throws his hands up in the air

"and all that was put in by you so fucken cut me my check" louis says with anger "i told you that i would test your dumbass to the core well pay up bitch"

"mr tomlinson please" the mediator says

"im sorry" louis says

"louis stop" john says

"im sorry" louis says as he glares at harry

"can i make a suggestion" the mediator says

"sure" harry says

"whatever" louis says with anger in his voice

"how about 75% of assests, 25% of the equity of the home and harrys business is left alone" the mediator says

"NO" louis says

"can you counter offer" the mediator says

"no counter offer 75% of all assests that were aquired during the marriage and that includes the business and house and its 75% or everything" louis says "im done"

When I Needed You The Most ~  Larry Stylinson MPREGWhere stories live. Discover now