Her talents...

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I will explain this carefully, she actually has 5 talents and those are:

*Ultimate Fashionista: Junko is always fashionable and glamurous, she is capable of judging others with her strong sense of fashion, this is the talent she uses in TV shows. 

*Ultimate Model: very similar to the other one, this one gives her glamour and style, she knows how to do a catwalk perfectly and this one gives her popularity and money, she knows how to pose perfectly too thanks to this talent. She's athletic thanks to this talent too, because she has to train her body to be the perfect model she wants to be (but somehow she doesn't need a diet, she said that in Dr v3 killing harmony, in her ultimate talent development plan, exactly when she's talking to Aoi Asahina.)

*Ultimate Analyst: this one makes her very very dangerous, with this one, she can predict everything and everyone, this is the talent which made her bored with her entire existence. This talent allows her to defeat enemies much more stronger than her (in fact, she used it perfectly against the ultimate boxer, Juzo Sakakura, she defeated him with no problem in Dr 3 (anime), he even wasn't able to touch her in that battle, plus Junko defeated him with one single hit from her baseball bat, Junko won so easily it was hilarious, I mean if she's capable of doing that to the ultimate boxer, then that means she's really good at battles (almost as good as her sister, Mukuro Ikusaba). With this talent she can copy talents of others, like when she used it to copy Mitarai's brainwashing technique to make to whole world fall into despair with her own despair video. Again, she maybe used this to copy Mukuro's talent at battles, and maybe that's why Junko herself is so good at battles too. In Danganronpa V3: Killing harmony, in Junko's ultimate talent development plan, she used this talent against Miu Iruma at a tennis game and Junko won easily, Junko used this once more when she was playing volleyball with Sakura as her partner in that game, winning easily again.

*Ultimate Despair: thanks to her title ultimate analyst, she became bored with the world and she's even bored of herself, she was really depressed due to this fact but then she saw something exciting in despair somehow, she enjoys the feeling of despair with madness and she believed despair was really good for everyone, so when she loves someone, she shows it in the wrong way (killing them, insulting them...). I think that somehow she hates herself too (she is capable of killing herself with so much happiness, and she even states that she doesn't see hope in living, meaning that she really wants to end with her life desperately).

*Ultimate perfect human/superhuman: she said this in dr trigger happy havoc, and I think it's actually true. Think about it, she's perfect almost at everything, and this perfection makes her bored and depressed, just like Izuru Kamakura, but she didn't need to be fabricated, she was born that way. She is in constant pain thanks to this, wishing she could be a person with flaws to change her life and be happier, however she doesn't say anything about it 'cause she knows very well that is impossible to her. She's also strong even when she looks weak, do you remember her execution? well you would say "Man, she was crushed by that thing at the end so..." but actually you're wrong. In Dr 3 and Dr: Ultra Despair girls, you can see that Nagito Komaeda and other students from his class have body parts of Junko's dead body in their own bodies (Fuyuhiko has her eye, and Nagito has her hand, for example), so, if she was crushed, how is her body still intact?, now that's crazy, but it's actually possible and simple; she really is a superhuman. That would explain how she was able to defeat Juzo A.K.A the ultimate boxer so easily. Think carefully, if she doesn't need a diet even when she is a model, then she must be a superhuman somehow...

In Dr3 (anime) Junko eats almost every chapter, but, she really doesn't need a diet, she's never fat, she's never going to be fat, because she really is a superhuman...

Oh, also, did you see when Junko tried to kill Makoto by throwing a kit tool in his head in DR3? well she failed, yes, but, the kit tool Junko threw got impaled on the pillar of hope's peak academy in an epic way, so, Junko is very VERY STRONG, so yes, Junko really is a superhuman/perfect human...

In Dr0, Junko even killed Nisshiki Madarai (the ultimate bodyguard) by snapping his neck, do you know how strong you have to be to do that?, Junko is not weak, in fact, you'll regret the moment you decided to fight against her, Junko even broke Nisshiki's arm easily in that "fight" that was easily won by Junko herself, without Mukuro Ikusaba, her sister...

Junko also killed Yuto Kamishiro by snapping his neck in DR0...

I really feel sorry for Junko, I know she really is evil but... with those talents of course I would be crazy like her, she said it: "the tears I cried when I was born were tears of despair"... she even remembers that and she was a baby in that moment, being an analyst must be really so depressing and tiring...

The fact that I still don't talk about her tragic past makes this worse...

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