Chapter 2

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He strides away, his steps long and purposeful, but the distance from the cell to the door seems a little longer than usual. Thanatos's scream still rings in his ears.

You did it. He congratulates himself. You knew she'd hestitate. And you were right.

A quarter of a second, he reflects.  If his men hadn't been so ready, so well trained... Thanatos would be dragging his corpse behind her right now, on her way to the Rejyen camp.

The Rejyen's emotions had been their undoing, again.

He goes straight to his room. He doesn't really feel like celebrating. There's a sick feeling in his stomach. Just fatigue, he is sure, which also explains the pounding headache. He'll go clean up, then report to his superiors. Then sleep, and a day of training tomorrow.

People he passes in the hall congratulate him. Some of the Nester girls smile in the arms of their pursuers, some of them sadly, because they know one of their own has been taken. They look up as he goes, Teszes and Nesters alike, the Teszes shouting contratulations, the Nesters staring in silent admiration. He knows how they look at him, but takes no pleasure or pride in it, though he knows he should. He feels no hunger for the Nesters like all his companions do. He wonders what is wrong with him.

Back in his room, he takes a cold shower and stares into the mirror, thinking.

Fierce, emerald-green eyes glare back at him, gone in a flash.

authors note

hey guys! hope you like the new chapter, i know it's a little short but I thought a glimpse into our mysterious enemy's mind was in order. please comment,  your opinions mean a lot and i welcome any suggestions! do you think Thanatos will escape? or is she at the mercy of these cruel, heartless Teszes?

sincerely yours,


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