7 (W A T C H O U T)

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I look through the WONDERous Files in my secret filing cabinet

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I look through the WONDERous Files in my secret filing cabinet. Where is this you ask? I won't tell you.

I see a file in the cabinet labeled "Heather". I grab it and open the file, reading the contents inside.

"Ah yes, HorrorTale!Wonder. Her being born as a full shapeshifting demon with some of the most powerful soul traits (Hate and Fear) makes her one of the most dangerous versions of wonder in existence. What makes it worse is she lives in an au that's kinda like hell. The place filled with bloodthirsty monsters.

Come to think of it, how different is HorrorTale from Hell?

I put her file back in the filing cabinet and close/lock it, then walk away to god knows where.

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