Chapter IV: This Usually Happens.

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Update: 8/26/2020 2044 Eastern Time

Loba's p.o.v.

Please note that the first part of this story is all based on the revenant trailer. All of the context in that part is credited to Respawn. It includes the Loba and Revenant trailer. Those were inspiration. Most parts will be my own. Meaning I wrote them. Oh and also this part will be long as heck. Have fun reading about 3000 words!

A took a deep breath as I put my hand on the door handle. I curved my back and hid the main part of my body next to the door. I was happy of what I had accomplished but scared of what was going to happen next. I was touching it. The handle. The handle that was connected to the door. The door. The home of my enemy. I was like a rogue bee trying to enter a gigantic bee hive. I had spent 25 years training for this. Searching, pulling, and scouring anything I could find for something I could use.

A broken metal knife, I would melt it for it's material. Anything strong I would melt. Robbing grocery stores and construction sites for the molds and cement. I found out about my family secret, robbing. At least that was it for me. I had many valuable items. First of all, my Wolf Tip Staff. Made out of a circular staff with a radius of half a inch made with pure graphene. This is then surrounded in a quarter inch thick coat of titanium.

I remember the day I had gotten it. Full of surprises. Not your average day. Well, here we go. I remember coming into the Japanese restaurant. My dad had just interred the restaurant with his 3 bodyguards.

"Look Loba! It's your dad!" My mother said.

"Papayi!" I said as I ran up to him and jumped up into his arms. Little did I know that there was a stalker nearby. The person who would kill my father. The person who would be the one, does shove my mind into darkness. The devil of my life. But also, my moon. Dangerous and causing the death of numerous people yet shining so beautifully in the dark sky. Being the light that both guides us during our darkest time and escorts us to the afterlife. Both the fire that would burn and the fire that would keep us alive in the winter. The person who shoved me into darkness, through the portal of light.Just in the midst of our conversation.

"A toast, to secure our future." my dad said.

"And do our wonderful daughter." my mother added as she gave me a kiss on the forehead. I held up my glass(of orange juice) and we toasted.

My father snapped his fingers and the man to the back left side of him came with a box. He smiled as he put down a box, brimmed with gold and just plainly beautiful. He smiled as he opened it up for me. I gasped. It was a wolf. A wolf that had power. A lot of power. I smiled as I took the wolf from the box.

"Dad. Thank you!" I said with a smile.

"Do you want to know what it does?" He asked me.

"Yes!" I said.

"It can collect..." he didn't finish his sentence. Well, it would've been much more convenient if he did finish his sentence. My life would be much easier. The glass panels behind us burst open as that monstrosity jumped through it. With so much power that when he landed, the table he was standing on was shattered. My dad got up. "You four, go." he said to the four people closest to Revenant. They ran at him with great agility. Jumping, shooting, and sliding to dodge his attacks. Even that was not enough.

"Stupid skinbags." he said as he ducked down and spun in a circle, his hands turning into knives and cutting through their bodies.

"Come with me." My mother said. She was obviously shaken up by Revenant. She grabbed my hand and started for the elevator. Whilst, Revenant was beating up and killing our guards. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. And gore. A lot of it. He broke the tables, smashing the vases onto the heads of some unlucky people that had come to the restaurant at the same time as us.

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