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Each chapter will be entirely in one persons point of view

Kio's P.O.V
Griffin and I were watching a movie together in his room at the sway house. Half of the sway boys were away at a party at the hype house. Griffin and I had stayed home because we had just wanted to have a night together since we haven't had much time to spend together recently. Josh had refused to go to the party because of his whole drama with chase and Anthony had stayed with him. Jaden has almost stayed too but Anthony had convinced him to go and have a good time. Noah stayed once he realised how big the party was going to be and Noah being Noah who didn't want to get in any possible drama had opted out of going to the party.

The movie finished and we just lay cuddling for a few minutes before griffin got up and stretched. "It's kinda late and the others aren't going to be back for a while so we can either watch another movie or go to sleep." He said

"Can we just cuddle?" I said through a yawn

Griffin laughed "sure you look pretty tired anyway." He left to go to the bathroom. I changed into one of griffins hoodies and a pair of sweatpants and looked around for my phone. I couldn't find it anywhere but then I remember that I'd left it by the pool.

"I'm just gonna go get my phone by the pool, I'll be back in a min!" I shouted to griffin. A mumble of something like 'yes' came from the bathroom.

I left the room and quietly walked down the hall. Noah's door was open and he smiled at me when I passed, I smiled back and walked past Josh, Jaden and Anthony's room but their door was closed. I walked downstairs and saw that josh and Anthony were actually watching tv on the couch.

"Hey." I said and waved.

They looked up, Josh smiled and Anthony said "hey Kio."

I walked through the door that lead to the pool at the back of the house and saw my phone laying on the ground. I went and picked it up but just as I was turning around to go back inside I heard a rustle from the bushes beside the pool area.

"Hello?" I called out. I waited but there was no response.

"Probably just an animal" I muttered to myself and turned back to the house, but froze when the bush rustled again only this time I heard a low groan.

"Look, whoever's there needs to come out. If your hurt I can help you." I said, my voice mixed with fear.

The bush rustled and a body dragged itself out. It was covered in blood and kept releasing inhumane sounds. My eyes widened and I screamed and ran inside and shut the door, breathing rapidly.

"Kio are you okay?! Was that you who screamed?" Josh said. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"Kio?!" Griffin came running down the stairs looking worried. He ran over to my shaking form and pulled me into his embrace. "Hey it's okay, can you tell me what happened?"

I was about to stutter when Noah came barrelling down the stairs. "PUT ON THE NEWS RIGHT NOW!" He shouted, he looked scared. Anthony fumbled with the remote and we all gathered round the Tv to watch, I was still in Griffins embrace.

"Breaking news; an outbreak of an infectious disease has broken out from a hospital
In the centre of LA. People who are infected are acting wild and inhumane, biting non-infected citizens and releasing strange noises and screams. The disease is spreading fast, we urge you to lock your windows and doors and stay safe." The woman on the news said urgently. The screen switched to helicopter views of the streets showing the screaming people and zombified citizens that looked exactly like the one I just saw. The footage cut of and showed the previous news presenter screaming and being attacked "PLEASE NO- STOP!" She cried out and then the Tv went black.

Everyone stayed silent looking at the Tv in horror. "I- I" I chocked our tears welling up in my eyes. All the other boys attention switched to my face "That's what I just saw- one of those- those things."

"What?!" Noah shouted.

"Yeah it was right outside. It- it came from the bushes." Griffin tightened his hold on me and looked to the others with a worried glance.

"What should we do?" Anthony mumbled fear clouding his eyes.

"We need to lock the doors and windows to make sure that thing Kio saw doesn't get inside and-"

"What about the others? They're stuck at the hype house with nowhere to go!" Noah said cutting Josh off mid-sentence.

"The others will be fine they know how to handle themselves." Josh replied

"But what if the one outside gets in?" I said

"It won't don't wor-" A loud bang caused Griffin to close his mouth and look towards the window at the front of the house where a large crack had appeared in the glass, but it was too dark to tell what caused it. Anthony whimpered and Noah stood up and crept closer to the glass trying to see what caused it.

"Noah come back." Griffin hissed.

"It's okay I'm being careful." Noah glances back at us but the second he looked back at us there was another bang that caused more cracks in the glass. Noah jumped back and I clung to Griffin's shirt.

"Okay that's it I'm going to get the others, I don't care if you guys come or not. Because If those things can smash that glass then they'll all get in and kill us." Josh opened his mouth but Noah silenced him before he could say anything "if you're going to tell me that we can barricade the windows then you're wrong because there's a shit tone of windows in this house and at least ones gonna be broken before we finish." And as if to further prove Noah's point another bang that sent more cracks resonated of the glass.

"So are you coming or not?" He said.

"I think he's got a point." I mumbled. Griffin stared at me for a few seconds before saying.

"I'll follow wherever Kio goes." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Josh sighed and stood up with Anthony's hand in his "I'm going for the sake of the safety of Jaden but I'm telling you know this is how people die in the movies." He said and Anthony nodded.

"Okay let's go then, we'll take my car." Griffin said and started walking towards the front door and we all followed behind him. I looked at each of my friends faces all filled with mixed of determination and fear.

We reached the door and griffin turned and gave us a look before grabbing the door handle and twisting it.

...... words 1180 ......

Okay to anyone that's reading this that's the first part done! I'm so excited for this story and have so many ideas and I hope you'll like them too. The next chapter will be the first part of the boys at the party's experience of the outbreak.

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