The reality of it all comes down to this...

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We sat there like that for the longest time. He never once spoke to me but every now and then he would squeeze my hand or brush his knees against mine. I guess even if we are fighting we still had to maintain that connection of the physical form so that our link could get stronger. I did not understand all this and how was it possible that our souls had already found their way to each other? Also the fact that it had bind us with one another to the point of no return.

"I would like to make a toast." Bill stood up raising his glass. "To Charlie, I hope that now you will learn to appreciate life more seeing you'll be married soon and can't get killed by a dragon."

"I've always appreciate life. But I thank you to shut up about my job." Charlie raised his glass and everyone cheered.

"To My two chaotic twin brothers, congratulations you two on your successful shop and your ever expanding business. You had a dream and you've reached it. I'm always afraid that one day you'll be too smart for your own good and end up with nothing." Bill laughed.

"What the bloody hell kind of speech was that." Fred said slowly lowering his glass.

"Merlin, Ron could probably come up with something better than that." George added in which got him a scowling look from Ron.

"I'm not done, what I meant to say was I'm proud of you two." Bill continued.

"That's a bit late isn't it seeing as you assumed we're going to fail." George responded shaking his head.

"Okay carrying on. Oh Ron my little baby brother. I just wanted to say you owe me money and I'm going to be collecting it soon." Bill grinned but was hit in his handsome face with the pumpkin pie that Ron had chucked.

"RONALD WEASLEY. HOW DARE YOU?" Mrs. Weasley stood up placing her hand on her hips.

"He deserved it mum." Ron said in a low tone, grinding his teeth to stop him from using words that would get him murdered by Mrs. Weasley. I looked over to see that Fleur was cleaning Bill's face with a cloth and kissing his cheeks.

"It's all right mum, no harm done." Just then Bill looked over to me. "Sweet Hermione I'm sorry that you're the one who ended up marrying Fred. I wish you all the luck in the world." I smiled but Fred had jumped up from the table and was going towards him but George got in his way taking a hold of him, trying to calm him down.

"He's just a git." George said shooting Bill an annoyed look.

"Bill I think you should sit down and let your father finish the toast." Mrs. Weasley sat down smiling warmly at her son. Bill nodding sat back down on his chair.

"Ginny and Harry congratulations, seeing as you two are the only ones who had the chances to love and know each other before the law was passed and by fate have the chance to remain together forever." Mr. Weasley raised his glass to them. They returned the gesture.

"Thanks dad." Ginny smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Weasley." Harry said as well.

"As for Hermione, Lavender, Katie and Alicia we want to welcome you into our family and hope that you will keep these four in order." He raised his glass to the four of us and we did the same. I never realized that Fred's hand was absence from mine until I reached for a napkin with that hand. He was now once again on the other side of the table whispering something into Mrs. Weasley's ear. When she nodded he left. Where was he going? He was so odd. That was the biggest family meal I had ever been apart of. When it came time to clear the table all the girls stepped into the role of house wives so naturally.

"I think it be good if we went out and played some quidditch." Ron said to Harry as he stood up to stretch.

"I like your idea Ron." Harry spoke.

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