My best friend, her hero, his kindness and Stockholm?

Start from the beginning

"Harry are you out here?" We heard Ginny's voice coming from the door as it opened the redhead spotted me and Harry sitting very close.

"Hey Ginny." I waved with my free hand seeing Harry refused to let go of the other.

"What's going on?" Ginny asked with her hands on her hips.

"It's her pheromones." Harry teased which got him a disapproving look from Ginny.

"All right clown boy very funny, but the two of you better come in dinner's starting." She swung her hair over her shoulders and stormed back into the house.

"Mental, that one." Me and Harry quoted Ron laughing. We inhale the air slightly then stood up. I was following him inside when he stopped shortly making me run into his back. He turned and pulled me into a hug.

"Just let me be your hero this once okay?" He whispered into my ear. When I didn't answer he pulled away. He had just stepped inside when I took hold of his arm.

"Thanks Harry." The smile he gave me was so warm, and that handsome face had been in need of it for awhile now. Harry never did realize that he was able to charm people with that smile but it had been very well hidden until just recently.

"Why are you two just standing there? Come sit down." Ron's voice broke our eye contact. We followed his order and took the nearest available seats. "If I didn't know them so well they seem like a couple in love or something." Ron said to Katie Bell who sat beside him.

"They would make a good couple. Their kids would be really gorgeous I'll bet." Katie laughed.

"Thanks Katie." Ginny had taken a seat beside Harry now.

"She's just being honest Ginny, that's all. Oh gross you're my sister I can't picture it." George spoke only to turn his head away after setting himself up for that last comment. No one would get use to the idea of someone they love being intimate. I took this moment to look around the long table. Mr. Weasley was at the head of the table and beside him was an empty seat which would be for Mrs. Weasley. On the other side was Bill and of course his beautiful wife Fleur. Beside the empty chair was Professor Lupin then there was Tonks. Across from Tonks were Charlie and his bride Alicia. Across from them were George and Katie. Right beside Alicia was Ginny and Harry. Of course Ron was right in front of him and Lavender was in front of me. The last seat was to be occupied by my soon to be husband, it was the end. He would be facing his father. Yet his presence was absence from the table.

"He's in the living room making a fellytone call." Ron turns to look at me.

"It's telephone, honestly Ronald." I smiled as he was still unsure of the muggle's names for things.

"I thought I told him no business call before dinner." Mrs. Weasley walked in placing a plate full of food onto the table.

"Its important mum, were expanding our business." George spoke which got him a hard glare. "All right hold your knickers I'll go get him." With that said he left.

"Hermione next week is Harry's official first game of the season, well you be joining us?" Ron asked.

"I've got loads of studying to do. I'll try but I'm falling behind on the mending of bones and such part." I answered.

"At least you get the chance. I'll be at Hogwarts bored out of my mind." Ginny said bitterly.

"Ginny just tell the school that your husband is Harry Potter. And that he's playing for the Ireland team. They're bound to let you." Ron said leaning back into his chair.

"It's not the school I'm worried about, its mum." They both turn to look at their mother then looked back at each other.

"We'll think of something." Ron shook his head as it seemed any plan now would be hopeless if their mother found out. As the two of them carried on I felt Harry's eyes on me.

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