And much like my knowledge of the world, the construct that made up my being grew as well, the typical red walls being cleaned and coated with a fresh grey paint, the lights flickering with power as the wiring was being laid down, the massive propellor was lifted and connected to my drive shaft with its huge steel bolts.

However with me being so focused on learning all that I possibly could from my visions of the world around me whenever they appeared, I ended up blinding myself to these changes occurring within me which is the reason as to why I was so flummoxed when one day I 'woke up' to a new vision only to find that nothing had presented itself.

The view appeared all the same but the space in which it showed was almost completely empty, granting sight to an engine room which normally would be filled with at least a dozen workers tightening pipes and greasing valves but now only had one person in it who held a clipboard in his hand and presumably checked off another box on the list that he had.

I tried switching to one of the other vision's perspectives, something that I had managed to learn how to do when a view was sparse of any new information, to try looking for any hints as to where everyone had all vanished to. The other sights presenting themselves in near similar forms of emptiness, entire rooms absent of all clutter including paint buckets and work lights with people who would walk through their connecting hallways checking them off on the paper they all shared before moving on to the next one.

I didn't end up having to search for long luckily as soon enough, I spotted something that had the chance of revealing the answer of where my workers had all gone to me. A small group of around nineteen to twenty people stood up near my bow, a large majority of them chatting with one another and cheering while a small section of them busied themselves with tying the rope of something they had draped over the side. 

In wanting to see just what all the commotion was for, I switched over to a view placed directly over them to observe their actions more clearly, what I saw next though was something entirely unexpected and actually gave me pause for a moment.

Beyond the small group and stationed on the concrete below stood a massive congregation, an entire sea of workers and wives all standing with one another and cheering, any and all things said between them being drowned out among their own countless shouts. And placed in the very middle of this huge gathering stood an isolated platform raised high above the rest where a small band of official looking men and one very nicely dressed woman watched a man stood in front of him speak into some strange metal pole.

Logically, I reasoned that the power could be used as a transmission device of some sort as his voice could be heard echoing around the crowd like when a head worker used their megaphone indoors, however it was still almost completely indiscernible from the rest of the crowd.

Thankfully though, the man seemed to ask the crowd for a moment of silence so he could give his final words which they all seemed to oblige, quieting down from cheers and shouts to hushed conversations, also granting me the opportunity to hear what was being said.

Clearing his throat and leaning in the metal rod, the lead official started speaking with a slow and clear tone.

"Let it be known that it is only through the hard work of these wonderous builders before me that such a magnificent structure stands here today! A vessel that will sail as a symbol of our forever standing patriotism and what's more, our stand against those who would oppose them, those who continue to threaten our way of life as well as others."

"I know that the Maritime Commision has requested that we stop with these types of grandiose launches and big speeches, that they would rather we just set loose the ships and get on with it and I also know that many of you have actually put money toward the requisition of supplies for this celebration knowing full well that none of you would be reimbursed for it but for this, I and a great many others thank you."

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