Part (II)

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"Mark,stop moving around and stay still. I need to get you dressed pleas. Grandma is getting impatient. You wanna be late for church, baby?"
Lorna coaxed her 3-year old son. The little guy was a bundle of energy and never stayed put unless he was asleep.
Buttoning his black and white button up shirt,she admired how adorable and grown her baby had becom.Just the other day he's a tiny thing in her hands and now he kept the whole family on their toes.
"Ok buddy,now I need to just grab your jacket and beanie. The weather might change."
"Mama, won't you go to church with me and grandma? Please?"
Lorna looked up at her son and gave him an apologetic smile," not today sweetheart,I need to clean your clothes and go to the market after. But next Sunday,I promise I will come with you guys,ok dear?"
The little guy spread out his little arms to hug his momma nodding in agreement.
"Now be a good boy and get going, grandma is in waiting."
Just then Lorna's mom called out impatiently,"Mark dear boy,let's go already. I don't wanna be late for the service.You too have Sunday school, don't you?"
"Yes grandma. Do I look good though? Mommy Lorna brought me this shirt and my shoes too. I'm Soo happy grandma!!"
Linda gave her grandson a loving smile and teased,"Oh,yes. My young husband is so handsome. I'm a proud wife little Mark. Now let's get going dear boy. Say goodbye to your mom."
Young Mark looked back at his momma and blew a kiss to her." Good day mom. Love you big."
Lorna shook her head and smiling adoringly at her baby,wished the two a good day too.
She watched them leave as she contemplated on what task she would start with. She'd to feed the chicken and do some household chores before she'd leave for the market.
She heaved a sigh of relief remembering that her younger brother Aaron had fed and watered the cows before leaving to God-knows-where.The young man was never home on Sundays since he finished his high school course.
She hummed softly as she fed the chicken making sure that the water was enough to last them for the day since everyone would be away till late in the evening.She couldn't help but think how hectic it must be for her mom when all of them including Aaron and her other younger twin brothers were away at school.

She came from upcountry where her mom was a widow following her dad's demise some years back.Her mom was unemployed and totally depended on her farm produce to make sure that they were fed and sent to affordable schools but with quality education.This form of livelihood wasn't so forthcoming especially when the weather wasn't as friendly and thus making it hard for Linda to give her children the lives they deserved.
Lorna as well as her brothers,were always grateful to their mom for doing all she could to make sure they went to good schools.Lorna recalled how her mom made sure she had enough personal effects to last her until midterm holidays during her high school days. She went to an extra-county girl's secondary School that was quite expensive but was rarely sent home for school fees.Her mom's hardwork and determination to keep her in school throughout the term motivated her to study hard and smart to keep her grades up.
She was the first born in her family and she knew that her younger siblings looked up on her.She had an image to keep.She always was a good girl and did what would make her mom proud. Thus she knew that joining a good University under government sponsorship would make her mom happy and that's what she did. And now,she was on her 4th year having taken 3 semesters off after giving birth to her son,Mark.
To many, Mark was a sign of failure bearing in mind that she had him after only completing her first year at the University. She thought the opposite though. Her son was her source of happiness and joy besides her mom who fully supported her throughout the pregnancy ordeal.She loved her son to the Moon and back despite all odds.

Lorna within no time was done with washing her son's clothes and was now taking a bath in the structure built behind their house,used as a bathroom...Typical African homestead.From afar,you could hear the radio church service going on. She had turned the volume high to eliminate the boredom in the homestead since she was all alone at the moment. She hummed along with the Catholic song that was being played by the soloist,her mind going back to her high school days where she converted to a Catholic.She really enjoyed attending the weekily Thursday masses and the Sunday services with her fellow schoolmates.

She quietly got dressed in a pair of dark jeans,green chiffon top that was sleeveless and a pair of white Snickers. She completed the look with a black blazer.She was never concerned about doing makeup or keeping her hair long since she left high school.She always kept her hair shot,very short that it never needed combing and her face natural except for a bit of lip balm on her pouty lips. Walking into her mom's room,she checked herself out in her mom's full length  mirror.Satisfied with her look,Lorna went back to her bedroom that she shared with young Mark and collected her purse and locked the doors ready to make her leave.

She took out her phone to call the boda boda guy to whom she was a regular customer whenever she went to the market. This part of the country was a bit remote and there were no buses nor taxis nor Ubers to connect the interior to the nearest town where the market was located.Earlier, before boda bodas(passenger motorcycles) became common, people from her village and most of the surrounding ones in this county would trek to the market and back. Lorna really felt thankful to the wonderful son of a woman who came up with the brilliant idea of making this really useful facility. It saved both energy and time whenever one wanted to travel to and from the village as well as moving from village to village. She plugged in her earphones listening to her local  favorite band Sauti Soul's new jam live and die in Africa. She always loved listening to their songs and even had a whole one hour mixtape of most if not all of Sauti Soul's songs.

By the time she was at the main road which was just a rough road but with few potholes, Lorna's ride had just arrived and she was so grateful for the convenience happy that she wouldn't stand by the roadside waiting for her ride to arrive.

*Author's Note*
First chapter. It is short. But yeah, enjoy.
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I need ideas too lovely people.
Lydia G.

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