She knew it was him because it was his face, in the dream about the man with the black mask, he was the boy getting stabbed, it was him, he was the one guiding her through her dreams the one who helped her wake up, it had to be him. If he was being so nice to her in her dreams, why did he do that to her?

Why was he trying to kill her?

"Tamina," Wendy said again, more firmly. She really wanted to know what was wrong with Tamina.

Wendy walked closer towards her and sat down next to her. She was really afraid that the person she was talking to was not really her best friend, and that it was something else in her body. She had seen the movies, what if Tamina just jumped on her and attacked her?

"Tamina, what happened?" she asked, hoping to get any kind of sound from Tamina, a whimper, anything, she just wanted something.

Tamina didn't have to answer her, because Wendy saw the red marks on her neck, they were marks of fingers. She gasped and screamed loudly, getting the attention of Michael and Calum who were in the living room downstairs, talking about Charlie and how the yhoped that she would get out of that coma and be herself again.

She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Michael appeared, with Calum behind him. Wendy was suprised at how quick they got there, but she didn't comment on that, all she kept thinking of were those marks, where did those even come from? Why were they there? Did Tamina do that to herself? Did someone do that to her?

"What's wrong?" Michael asked, trying to catch his breath from running so quickly, he was so scared that something had happened to Wendy so when he saw that she was alive and breathing, he was really happy.

Wendy scooted away from Tamina, unable to speak, it was like someone was holding her tongue. She was really afraid of her now, she was afraid there was something inside her best friend, that something inside her best friend made her do that to herself.

"Wendy," Calum said sternly, "What's wrong?" He was so afraid, but he refused to show it, he hated showing fear. What was wrong with Tamina, why was Wendy acting like that? Had she seen something?

Wendy tried to get words out, but the only thing she could manage to say was, "Neck."

Michael walked towards Tamina and his eyes widened when he saw the marks on her neck, he thought the same thing Wendy was thinking, where did those come from? They looked so red, so fresh, like it had just happened.

"Calum!" Michael yelled, even though he was in the same room as him.

Calum walked towards the two of them, he looked at her eyes and she looked at his, there was so much fear in them, in both of their eyes. He reached out his hand touching Tamina's neck, she winced when he did. She hissed and he took his hand away quickly, not wanting to hurt her since she already seemed to be in a lot of pain.

He turned around to face Michael and Wendy, but saw that they weren't in the room anymore. He turned back around to face Tamina and watched as a tear rolled down her cheek, and then there were more. His heart broke at the sight of her crying, but he didn't want to be weak in front of her especially after something like that had happened.

He reached out and wiped a tear off her face. She flinched a bit, but only because she was still afraid because of what had just happened to her.

"What happened?" Calum asked her. He really wanted to know, he wanted to know what came after her, he just wanted her to be okay, all he wanted was for the beautiful girl sitting in front of him to be okay.

She looked up at him and swallowed hard, she didn't want to tell him, she was feeling hurt, really hurt. Why did the beautiful boy try to hurt her when he was the one who helped her wake up? It was like he made a huge switch all of a sudden and she didn't understand why.

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